#24 10000 pieces

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Y/n pov:

The rest of the car ride I was silent. I was just staring out the window watching the sun rise as I listened to my music. I could kind of hear Aphmau, Aaron and Gene playing I'm going on a camping trip. I never noticed before but Gene and Aaron were both flirting and laughing with Aphmau. Why was I so stupid? I mean I was trapped in my own little world assuming Gene liked me when really he liked Aphmau and only saw me as a friend.

"Okay I'm going on a camping trip and I'm going to bring, Aphmau because she is the best girl I've ever met." I heard Gene say as Aphmau giggled. It made me want to start to burst out crying. I just want to be in my room alone with my broken heart, because it wasn't until now that I realized I was starting to fall in love with him which is hard for me. Since my child hood and everything that happened I had major trust issues. I had finally thought I got over them until Aphmau betrayed me. That time it wasn't bad until Aaron betrayed me after I got close and told him some of my childhood,
But it hurt most when Gene led me on then broke my heart into 10000 pieces. I can't trust anyone because in the end they will all leave me in the dust.

"Alright we're here!" I heard Gene yell.

I immediately got out of the car and went to the back. I heard Aaron whisper to Aphmau, "is y/n okay? She seems upset." I rolled my eyes and opened up the back trunk. I then grabbed my bag but before I could completely pick it up someone picked it up. I turned around to see Gene.

"Let me get this for you."

I then glared at him and yanked it out of his hands. "Thanks but I can get it." Gene looked at me confused.

"Listen it's not my fault I don't like you!" He yelled in a tone that was kind of scary but I held my ground.

"I wouldn't have been mad if you told me you didn't like me! I would have been sad but I wouldn't have been mad but no you LED me on! You let me believe you liked me! You let me believe we had something! You were kissing me back!" I looked at the ground.

"Okay! I'm sorry! I did like you at one point but at the end of the day it was Aphmau who I liked! I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt your feelings!"

I tried to hold back the tears but I couldn't so I ended it. "Well it's a little to late for that isn't it?" I then walked away with my suitcase to the inside of the cabin.

Dante's pov:
I saw y/n run into a room. She looked like she was crying.

"I'll be right back guys."  I then ran into the room to see y/n crying. I walked up to her and put my arm around her.

"Hey y/n are you okay?" She then looked at me and kissed me.

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