#4 The hang over

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"Okay y/n I'm leaving for my trip see you in a month bye!" I heard my sisters voice echo in the background. I opened my eyes to be welcomed by the over powering light known as the sun. I groaned since I had a headache and felt like I was going to throw up. I don't remember anything that night well nothing after y first beer but I do remember coming home from feeling sick and blacking out in my bed but other than that nothing. I checked my phone and sighed with happiness as I realized it was 1pm which meant I slept through most of my hang over! I got up and went to the bathroom were I had a warm shower that got rid of my headache and gross puke smell. I blow dried my hair and put it in a high pony tail with my f/c elastic band. I then went over to my vanity put on some eye shadow then got into clothing (pic above) Finally I went downstairs and got some f/f and eat it. What should I do today? I suddenly heard a knock at the door so I went to answer it to see "Katelyn?" she came instead and sat on the couch with a worried look on her face. "Katelyn! What's wrong?" she looked as if she has seen a ghost. "Ap-Aphmau i-is she um." she took a deep breath before yelling. "When we first met you as soon as you left Aphmau said she didnt know weather or not she wanted to be friends with you since your super pretty and might take attention off her.. she didnt know for sure until she saw that all the guys were paying attention to you and not her so she took any picture she could of you when you were drunk photo shopped some then posted it and is calling you a slut!" she gasped for breath as she finished. My eyes started to water, why would she do this to me? I've only just met her! She seems popular which means everyone at the school im going to must have seen! "Um Katelyn thanks for telling me but I think I want to be alone now." I say as I try to hold back my tears. "Okay well if you need anything me and most of the girls support you over what Aphmau did." I nodded and when she finally left I burst into tears. Why does this have to happen to me? I didn't mean to look nice or I didn't mean to make her mad. I started to remember last time I cried.
"Shh don't cry, it's going to be okay don't cry shhh." I looked up at her. "I know it's just I'm scared." She nodded. Edited replying. "If you don't cry it will all go away there will be no fun in it for then trust me."
At that memory I stopped crying, what if I go outside and pretend everything is fine? Even though I am upset and angry I don't have to give her the pleasure to see that! I got my shoes on and fixed my makeup before heading outside. The first people I see are Aaron, Garroth and Laurence mind you Aaron isn't hanging out with them. "Hey guys!" I yell waving. They all turn.
"Hey y/n!" I heard Gorroth yell.
Aaron smiled and waved to me as he and the other guys walked up to me. "So, have you heard?" I already know what he is talking about. "Yea and I'm not going to let it get to me." They all smiled. Finally we all decided to spend the day at the mall.

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