Back at it again

71 3 10

Tay's POV

Today was the day, the one I had been dreading since the moment Jenna and I started dating. We had to fly back home.

I already felt really low and this moment was just redefining the meaning of rock bottom. I was in Jenna's arms with my head on her chest. Even asleep she was the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. I try to take in every detail I could: the way her hair fell, her adorable snores, how her lips were always a little parted as she slept. I kept scanning over her and noticed her shirt had lifted a little to reveal her perfect abs. My fingers trace across them slowly, how did I ever get such a perfect angel?

"Tay" Jenna's sleepy mumble brought me back to attention. I look up at her and she's slightly biting her lip.

"Yeah?" I whisper back. She fidgets slightly under my touch

"You okay?" She whispers. I shrug in response. Jenna goes to speak again and I pull her by collar of her shirt and kiss her, trying to avoid this conversation. She's a little hesitant at first but kisses back slowly. My fingers keep tracing over her abs. Jenna lets out a quiet moan. I smirk and trace down to the waistband of her trousers. I felt her breathing hitch in response. I was going to go lower until Jenna broke the kiss and grabbed my hand.

"Don't get me wrong Tay, I loved that, a lot, but I want our first time to be special and not when you're upset and distracting yourself. Her eyes were a mixture of sincerity and lust.

I gave a sheepish nod and mumble "I don't want to go home"

Jenna's POV

Flight 410 to Sydney Australia is now boarding

Both Tay and I tensed in response. I wearily looked at her, tears were already streaming down her cheeks. I stand up and pull her up with me, immediately embracing her in the tightest hug. She cries harder and soaks my shirt. I hold her and cry a little myself, pathetically sniffing as I do.

"Tay... I have to go" I reluctantly choke out. She holds me even tighter.

"Tay..." I feebly whisper, barely audible. She pulls away from me, her mascara running down her face

"I love you Jenna McDougall" she sniffles

"I love you too Tay Jardine, more than anything" she gives a weak smile and I softly kiss her cheek. She pulls me closer to her and kisses me deeply, I kiss her back. In this moment I wanted time to stop, to slow, to cease to exist, I just want to have with me like this always. I felt every once of sadness pour into the kiss, every piece of desperation, every little upset.

We were just lucky the majority of people had left and the remaining few weren't paying attention. She softly pulls away and I felt like the best part of me had suddenly gone. I was now half a girl.

Final boarding call for flight 410 to Australia

I sigh, fighting back tears. Tay gives me a nudge and weakly chokes out "you should go" I give a small nod

"I love you Tay"

"I love you too Jen"

I walk away, our fingers slipping as
I let the most beautiful girl slip from my grip. The moment I lose her touch my skin grows cold, already missing the vacancy of her hand.

I trudge towards the gate, turing around one last time to catch a glimpse at her. I'd do anything to not go home.

I walk to my seat, slumping down into it, wishing it'd swallow me whole. I drown out the flight attendant, I've heard the same routine a thousand times before: wear a belt, blah blah, don't walk around, blah blah, the exits are, blah blah blah. I don't care.

I rest my head on the window, the cold glass nipping at my skin slightly. The plane slowly takes off and it's official. I'm officially gone from Tay.

The plane starts it's assent, the temperature drops immediately. The plane window covers with condensation. I draw a heart on the glass and inside I write the letters T and J. I give a weak smile and sigh heavily, grabbing earphones. As I untangle them a flight attended comes up to me

"You want anything to drink miss?" She gives a forced and false smile. I chew on my lip a little, debating if I should get something alcoholic. I know Tay wouldn't like it but Tay isn't here right now.

"I'll have a vodka please" she gives a quick concerned look, "I'm a nervous flyer" I lie. She gives a nod on understanding and softly squeezes my shoulder before fetching my drink. I decide to listen We Are The In Crowd just to torture myself. I put on Kiss Me Again, remembering how Tay use to sway her hips to get my attention as she sang it, that girl really is a tease. She always has my attention honestly. The flight attendant returns with my drink and I thank her. I back it almost instantly. It burns the back of my throat and I feel it travel down into my stomach, warming me slightly. I needed something to keep me warm now that Tay's gone

Author's notes
Hey guys, this chapter is dedicated to Urie_Is_Satan they are seriously an amazing individual and great at writing so check out their work. If it wasn't for them this story would have been deleted. I hope you all enjoy the chapter and have a fantastic day. PS the photo is mine and it's when I saw Tonight Alive headline in London

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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Never thought I would feel like this- A Jenna and Tay love storyWhere stories live. Discover now