She's back

412 29 8

Tays POV

After the film was done I turn off the TV and lie with my head on Jenna's chest. I could hear her heartbeat, a slow steady rhythmic motion, even her heartbeat was music to my ears.

"Jenna" I call

"Yeah love" he replies

"We need to talk". She instantly tenses up. Burning her head in the crook of my neck, she whines.

"Do we have to? " she sulks

"You know we do Jen" I sigh.
She whines again. I turn around to face her, she's pouting. I begin to play with her hair.

"What was wrong Jenna?" I ask. I
watch her eyes gloss over as she nervously bites her lip. Clearly she's stressed, I noticed red patches forming on her skin. Her eczema was starting to act up. She was bleeding slightly from where she had been scratching. I grab her hands and look in her eyes.

"Don't do that. I don't want you to hurt yourself, you're doing more damage by scratching. Let's go put some water on it" I smile at her. She nods her head and we both walk into the bathroom. I put the toilet seat down and tell her sit while I go get a cloth.

When I came back in I was surprised at how violent and sudden this outbreak was. Her arms were covered and it was slowly climbing up her neck. She looked in pain yet she was still putting on a brave face.
I dampen the cloth and gently press on her arm, she winced in pain and bit her lip. I hated hurting her but it was better then her hurting herself by scratching.

I did this all over her arms until the redness had gone down. While I was doing this I noticed she kept scratching her sides and legs.

"Jen, is it on your sides and legs?" I question. She looks a little ashamed and shakes her head. She was such a bad liar.

"Jenna we need to put water on it" I sigh. She doesn't speak.

"Take your top off Jenna" I smirk. She instantly blushes a deep red.

"What... Why?" She whispers, pulling her shirt closer to her body. I lean in and kiss along her jaw, I sense her relax a little.

"We need to calm it down" I mumble against her jaw. She softly moans, I smirk at this and pull back to look at her. She glares at me for a second but her facial expression softens quickly.

"So will you?" I say with puppy dog eyes. She sighs and slowly lifts up her shirt. My eyes are instantly drawn to her toned stomach. She was gorgeous. I hear a tiny cough and I snap back my sense to see Jenna blushing like hell.

"S-sorry" I stammer, my cheeks turning to fire. I slowly apply water to the areas needed. I mentally face palm myself, I got distracted by her amazing body. How could I be blamed, she has the best body.

After the areas had calm down I put the cloth down. My eyes wonder over Jenna again, I couldn't resist.

"Tay" Jenna whispers. I look up at her and she leans down and kisses me. It was soft and sweet. I could smell her conditioner. How soft her lips were. All these little things made me want her so much more...

Jenna's POV

I knew Tay wanted more then this. I deepen the kiss and run my hands down her side. Now it was her time to moan. One quietly escaped her lips as she pulled away. I use this to my advantage. I kiss along her neck, softly sucking on certain spots. Her breathing quickens slightly. I hear Tay moan as I find her sweet spot. I smirk as I focus on this spot, sucking and gently biting. Tay tried to hold back moans but she failed, each one was becoming louder. I was about take off her shirt when a bang came from the front room.

"Tayyyy we're back, you in?" Mikes yelled. I pulled away from Tay. Her eyes were closed but you could from her expression she was angry.

"Yeah." She yelled. She looked at me and blushed. I was surprised by my own actions then, it wasn't like me.
Tay stands up and pulls me up with her, she quickly pulls me in for a kiss.

"I'm so sorry about that Jen" she whispers

"It's fine but you may want to fix some stuff" I giggle. Tay gives me a confused look until she catches her reflection in a mirror. Her hair is a mess, hickeys obviously on her neck and her lips slightly swollen.

"Shit" she whispered. She began to fix her hair. I started in amusement at a flustered Tay. I slip out the door and walk to her bunk. I start to rummage through her cloths until I find a flannel. I walk back into the bathroom and hand it to Tay. She thanked me and put on the flannel, trying to position it so it would cover up the hickeys.

"What about my lips?" She whispered

"I could try and kiss them better if you want" I wink. She rolled her eyes and blushed,

"That's what got us here in the first place Jen". Well she did have a point but it's not my fault, no one can resist Tay.

"They won't notice, let's just walk out the door and say we're going out somewhere". Tay smiles at that suggestion and agrees. We walk out into the front lounge to find the rest of WATIC.

"Hey Jen" they all say in unison, it was creepy how they they did that.

"Hey guys" I reply

"Hey losers" Tay yells while walking in, she goes over and hugs them all excepts Jordan, he acted a bit cold towards Tay. I then realised Tay never told me why she came into the bunk crying yesterday. I'd ask her now.

"Me and Jen are heading out, bye guys" Tay shouts from halfway out the door, I follow in amusement and yell my goodbyes too. Once we were a little away I got the courage to ask Tay.

"Hey Tay?" I start


"What happened for you to come into the bunk crying yesterday?". She sighed and bit her lip slightly.

"I was kinda hoping you'd forget" she chuckled. "I got up because I heard yelling between Jordan and Cameron.
Jordan was yelling at him for breaking his guitar but it was only the strings and so I said that and he was yelling at me for always sticking up for everyone else. I guess I caught him in a mood." She started to laugh. "It's so pathetic I know".

I grab her wrist and spin her a little to face me.

"It's not pathetic at all Tay. He over reacted, it's only strings. You don't have to be so harsh on yourself. You didn't nothing wrong Tay." She lightly blushes and tried to hide her face.

"Thanks Jenna, that means a lot" she mumbles. I smile and carry on walking, suddenly I felt her hands on my wrists.

"Why did you freak out today Jen?" Tay sounded so sad and worried. I sighed and decided just to be honest.

"Remember that night when you felt really bad and told me about the emptiness?" I started slowly. She let go of my wrists and and looked concerned.

"Yeah..." She replied

"I think I understood what you meant by it..."

Her face instantly fell. She starts to tear up. She throws her arms around me and pulls me close to her. I wrap my arms around her and let her sob into my chest.

"I'm so sorry Jenna. I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she repeated in fits of tears. I rub her back and quietly hums in her ear.

"I didn't mean to give it to you Jenna" she snivels

"Tay, you didn't give it to me. No one did. I know it's gonna be hard to talk about it all for when we feel bad but it's no ones fault" I wipe away her tears. "It'll be okay Tay". She opened her mouth to say something when we were interrupted.

"Any better?" I felt myself clam up.


What was she doing? Me and Tay pull away from each without trying to make it obvious. She stepped closer us and went to say something but she got distracted.

"What's on your neck Tay?" Lynn questioned.

Authors notes.
Just wanna say a huge thank you for everyone who took the time to read vote and read. It means a lot

Never thought I would feel like this- A Jenna and Tay love storyWhere stories live. Discover now