Truth's out

485 35 11

Jenna's POV

I sit on the swings rocking back and forth gently. I felt the cold biting my skin but that was nothing compared to the sick feeling in my stomach. I regret this. I pull out my phone and begin to send Lynn a message

Me:" It's really cold, let's just leave it. I'm sorry for being a pain"

I was just about to send it when I heard a voice behind me,

"It's too late, I'm here now and I'm not leaving"

I turn around to see Lynn, she was leaning over and reading the text I was planning to send her. I chuckle in defeat

"Fair enough, join me" I lean over and pat the empty swing next to me. She sits in the swing and gently pushes off, all that can be heard was the squeaking of the chain. I didn't know what to say or how to bring it up. I hear her stop suddenly and I felt her eyes bore into me.

" What's been up with you Jen? You've been really off recently" she sighed.

"What'd you mean? I haven't" I tried to play dumb but it clearly wasn't going to work.

"You know exactly what I'm on about, the other night you went all quiet when we reached the bus and you blanked Tay for the first part. Then when I came out you looked shocked. You're not homophobic at all so what was all that about?" I heard a little frustration in her voice

I bit my lip and tried to find the words.

" I think I might be..." I couldn't say it. The words were stuck in my throat and I wanted to say to scream them but I couldn't. Years of forcing them down and now I can't let them out. I'm sure Lynn sensed how I was feeling because she came over and began to hug me

" How about we go for a walk and see how you feel and if you want to talk?" I just sniffled in response. We began to walk and start small conversations.

Eventually we got to a big tree, we decided to sit underneath it. We sit in silence for a little bit. Lynn sat with me on her lap, I guess it was because I was still sniffling a bit and he wanted to be sure I was okay.

"The sky's really pretty tonight" I hear her whisper. I look up, she's right. The sky was dotted with starts and the moon was big and bold, it really was beautiful.

"Lynn" I whisper, I feel her look over at me, " I think I might be gay" I say so quiet.

"You sure?" She sounded shocked

" When I was in high school I got a crush on this girl. I wasn't completely sure of my sexuality then and I had to no one to turn to. I told my best friend at the time, Lucy." I began to feel tears form in my eyes. I felt Lynn rub my back and pull me closer to her. I took a deep breath and carried on, " After I told her she told me I better be joking and I ran to the bathroom crying. Then she came in and said she could never be friends with a fag. I swore that is be straight from that moment on because I lost my best friend to a dumb crush" by this point I was in floods of tears.

"Oh Jen" was all she could reply" she pulled me closer by the waist so the l was resting my head in her chest. I wasn't even trying to hold back the tears at this point. I felt bad for dampening her shirt with my tears but it'll dry.

I look up and see a mixture of care and concern on her face,

"So you've never dated a girl?" She asked

I felt my checks redden.

"N-no" I stumbled out and she laughed, "I think it's a maybe though I can't be sure yet".

She sat for a second, looking deep in thought,

"Do you trust me?" She asked

I giggled slightly, " I think I proved I do"

She smirked at me. Before I could even speak I felt she lips on mine, I was shocked at first but slowly kissed back. Her lips were really soft and she smelt amazing.

This felt so right


Hey guys, sorry for a long wait. I'd love to hear what you think of this story and where you'd want it to go

Never thought I would feel like this- A Jenna and Tay love storyWhere stories live. Discover now