An old friend

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WARNING: This chapter is going to come with a trigger warning, if you are easily triggered then I advise you don't read it

Tays POV

I heard Jennas breathing becoming more steady. I look up to see her sleeping, she's so cute. I shuffle out of her grip around my waist and grab my phone. I see a text from an unknown number.

Unknown number: Guess who Taylor

The fuck. How did they get my number. Who the fuck are they. I start to type a shaky reply.

Tay:How'd you get this number???

I look back over at the sleeping Jenna. She looked so peaceful. I couldn't to drag her into all of this, she's so perfect and I don't want to hurt her. Almost instantly I felt my phone buzz from a reply

Unknown number: Aww Tay, I've always had your number. Doesn't take much to get a spare phone Taylor.

This was some pretty little liars shit. I'm so scared at this point. I felt my phone buzz again

Unknown number: I stopped by your bus earlier, had a gift for you. But you weren't in...

I felt my phone buzz a second time.

Unknown number: You're with her aren't you?
You're in her bus. Tell me I'm wrong...

Tay: You're wrong

Unknown number: No one likes a liar Taylor.

It was frightening how quick the tone changed. For the first time I felt physically threatened, even though they weren't there. I felt my phone buzz a multiple of time.

Unknown number: Since you weren't in I thought I'd drop by the TA bus.

Unknown number: Look outside.

Unknown number: An old friend wants to say hello...

Jennas POV

I woke up in the middle of the night with Tay gone from my arms. I climb out of the fort and look around the bus, trying not to wake the guys. I hear gentle sobs from the bathroom.

"Tay" I whisper. I place my ear to the door and hear the sobs stop.

"Jen..." Her voice croaks from her crying. There's something I hear in her voice that scares me.

"Tay I'm coming in" I gently open the door and stop at the sight in front of me. Tay was collapsed on the bathroom with blood poring from her thighs. I see cuts covering her skin, some deep and others deeper. Her eyes had sunk into her face and they were empty and dull. Her hair stuck to her face and her make up ran down her face. I've never seen her so broken.

"Tay..." I whisper. She breaks down in hysterics. I scoop her up in my arms and place her on the side. I start to clean up her cuts, she didn't say a word the whole time. After wiping away the blood I could see scars from her previous attempts. I broke my word. I said I would never let her do this again. She didn't deserve this, she's too precious for all of this.

"Tay... What happened?" I ask, fighting back the tears. A small sad smile spread across her face

"An old friend" she whispered.

In that moment I felt my heart completely shatter.

I snake my arms around her waist and take her back into the back room. I grab a few extra blankets and we crawl back into the fort. Tay buried herself in my neck, soaking my shirt with her tears. Her tiny body shaking in my arms. I know it's was selfish to think but I was honestly so helpless. I couldn't take away her pain and that's all I wanted. I pull her closer to me and quietly start to hum. Suddenly I thought of something. Where did Tay get the blade? It certainly wasn't from us. Did she have it with her? Maybe. I would have to ask another time because now definitely wasn't the time.

Never thought I would feel like this- A Jenna and Tay love storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang