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Tay's POV:

I was waiting at the airport. The flight was landing any minute now, can't wait to see the guys again, it's been far too long. I scan the crowd and I spot Jenna, she looked lost. I chuckled to myself,

"Jenna" I yelled, she looked around and spotted me. I waved at her, she stared to run toward be open armed.

"Tay! I've missed you!" she squeezed me tight, I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"I won't be here much longer if you don't let go" I laugh. I felt her loosen her grip around me

"Sorry. Just excited " she laughs, I stare at her for a second. You could tell she was really excited. We heard laughter next to us, we turn to see that the rest of TA had found the rest of WATIC. They were already laughing like idiots. I hear Jenna sigh, I turn to her and she's staring at them, " this is going to be one long trip" she says. I nod in agreement.

"We should get going" I yell at the others, "Pvris is going to be wondering where we are" they all nod and start to walk off together, Jenna and I follow them but trail behind a little.

"It's been far too long" I state. She nods excessively,

"Yeah, I really missed you guys, it's always great to tour with you" she smiles her famous smile and I can't help but stare, she was really beautiful. I wish I was more like her, she always seems confident and she's so kind and caring. I sigh internally, hopefully I'll be more like her one day.

"Same, you guys are amazing, our favourite people to tour with" I say, I look over and she turns away. Was she blushing? No why would she? Dumb of me to even think if it. "You excited about Pvris?" I ask

"Definitely!" She exclaims, "they all seem like such cool people and their music is amazing". I agree with her. We carry out walking out the airport to the buses, talking about whatever came to mind. I forgot how funny Jenna was, my stomach aches from laughter. We finally get to our bus. I turn to Jenna,

"I'll leave you guys to unpack and get use to everything,I'll come by later" I say, we hug before we of into our separate buses, she smelt so amazing. I can't wait for tonight, it's going to be a lot of fun.

Jenna's POV

Ugh I'm such an idiot. She said that the band was her favourite to tour with, not that I'm her favourite. I'm no ones favourite. I don't know what it was but she's taken over my thoughts. I need to stop. It's just strong emotions about seeing her again, that's all. We all have out girl crushes, don't mean with have to act on them Jenna. I unpack my stuff and decide to take a shower. While I wait for the water to warm I grab some cloths to change into after. I decide on ripped skinny jeans, a blink 182 too and and a leather jacket.

After the shower I changed and begin to dry my hair. While I'm drying it I see my phone light up, it was a text from Tay. I felt a lump in my throat, I unlock my phone and read the text.

Tay: Hey :) we're having a party tonight, do you guys want to come? xx

"Sure, we'd love too! :) xx" I reply. "Guys, we're going to a part at WATICs bus tonight" I shout, hoping at least someone would hear me.

"Okay, I'll tell the others" I hear Jake call back. After drying my hair I walk over to the mirror and apply some light makeup. I wonder what Tay's wearing? Doesn't matter she can pull anything off. I was slightly nervous, it was the first time I would be meeting the members of Pvris. They seemed like nice people so I shouldn't have anything to worry about.

I hear my phone from my bunk I walk over and read my texts,

Unknown number: Hey it's Lynn from Pvris, I got your number off Tay, hope you don't mind :). I save her number into my phone and reply,

Me: Nah it's good, I would've probably for forgot to ask for it tonight haha. What time you going to go?

Less then a minute later I get a reply

Lynn: I'm gonna go there in 5, if you're ready we could walk together if you want?

I smile at her gesture, yeah I had no reason to be nervous.

Me: That sounds great! I'll wait outside.

I walk downstairs to find the guys playing Fifa.

You guys coming tonight? I ask, I get a bunch of moans in response. I sight and step outside the bus and wait for Lynn. I was really excited about tonight.

I wait outside for a minute or two until she finally shows up. She's wearing black skinny jeans, combat boots and a torn white shirt, it was so simple yet suited her so well.

"Hey" she smiles, " I hope you didn't wait too long". I shake my head, any nerves I previously had we're completely gone.

"Nope, you look nice by the way" I compliment her,she smirks.

"Thanks but it was something quick, you look gorgeous, simple yet effective" she laughs. I can't help but smile, she was a chill person to talk to.

"Thank you so much. You ready to head off? I ask. She nods her head and we walk together towards the bus. We talked about from everything that came to mind. It wasn't long till we heard the booming of music. "Looks like the party's in full swing". Lynn laughs as we walk closer towards the bus. Suddenly my nerves were back. What was up with me?

Never thought I would feel like this- A Jenna and Tay love storyWhere stories live. Discover now