I understand now...

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Tays POV

I saw Jenna walk over to me. I rush over to her and hug her

"Jennnaaaa!!" I yell

"Tayyy" she mimicked but it was different. It didn't seem like Jen. I look at her and there was something in her eyes I couldn't quite place.

"What's up Jen?" I ask

"Nothing love" she smiles before kissing my head, "come on, let's go" she grabs my hand before I can say anything to her. She wasn't like her normal self, I wonder what was up.

We walk for a little and during this time Jenna let go of my hand. I knew she didn't mean to upset me but it did a little. I knew why she did it though, we didn't want anyone to see us. After 5 minutes of waking we came across an American styled diner.

"Jen we have to go there!" I squeal. She laughs and agrees. We walk over to it and enter. Immediately we were hit by a wave of heat. The smell of food filled my nostrils and I internally groaned. Sitting down at a table we scan over true menus

"I miss home" I sigh. Jenna looks over at me and gives a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry love" she comforts. "I know the feeling though". Now it was my turn to give a sympathetic look.

"What's it like in Australia?" I ask. Her face lights up. She dives into her past and stories from it, she didn't even notice when our food came due to her excitement. I listed to every word she had to say, she spoke about the weather and her friends, her family and fond memories. It was amazing to see Jenna so happy. It's clear family meant a lot to her.

By the end of our meal Jenna slowly stops to talk. She looks away from me, her cheeks flushed red

"I've been talking this whole time. In so sorry Tay" she sheepishly said.

"It's fine, it's adorable seeing how cute you are" I complimented. She gives a small smile before her face drops a little.

"What's wrong Jen?" I ask. She opens her mouth and just closes it again.

"Hey" a voice says next to me. It was Lynn.

"Hey Lynn" I smile "sit with us"

She slides next to Jenna and thanks me. Jenna smiles weakly at her and starts to eat in silence. Why was she acting like this?

Jenna's POV

Lynn. The last person I wanted to see. I lead her on and let her down and now she has to see me with Tay.
Ugh I was the most horrible person. I just start to eat, trying to avoid all conversation.

While I was eating I felt Tays eyes in me. This just made it all worse. I felt like crying. I suddenly felt a hand gently squeeze my leg, I look at Tay
but she was on her phone briefly. I glance out the corner of my eye to see Lynn smirking at me.

What was she thinking? What was she doing?? I felt my breathing quicken. I think Tay noticed because she put her phone away and began looking at me,her face covered with worry.

"Jenna what's wrong?" She questions. I felt Lynn looking at me. This was all too much. I needed to leave.

I climb over Lynn and rush out the door. Not even bothering to turn back when Tay was calling my name. I didn't have a clue where I was but I didn't care, I needed to get away. I ran as fast as I could, faces past me were becoming blurred. I didn't care what they think. I probably looked hysterical, tears streaming down my face. I needed to get away from all this.

I slow down and realise that I was completely lost. I stand in the middle of the street, panting and snivelling. What was wrong with me?

That's all I seem to think recently. What was wrong with me?. It had to be something because everything I do just makes everyone's life hell. I'm such a failure.

I collapse against a wall and fall to the floor, pulling my knees into my chest. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I pull it out to see at message from Tay.

Tay: Jen, where are you? Are you okay? What happened?

I start to type a shaky reply

Me: I don't know.

Tay: What to?

Me: All of it...

I felt myself start to cry harder. People were staring at me but no one bothered to check if I was okay.

I heard my phone start to ring, Tay was calling me. I don't know if I should answer or not. I sigh and decided to talk to her.

"Hey" I mumble

"Jenna! Are you okay?" She sounded frantic.

"I don't know Tay... I just don't know" I start to cry again.

"Don't cry Jen, where are you?"

"I don't know" I replied while looking around. A wave of panic washed over me. "I think I'm lost".

"Shit" she sighs. I get up and slowly look around.

"I'm gonna try and find a way back" I start walking roughly in the direction I came from.

"I'm gonna stay talking to you" Tay pipes up. I mumble a reply and carry on walking. We didn't speak much but I it was a comfort to know she's there. After a few minutes I vaguely start to remember where I came from.

"I kinda remember where I am" I sniffle

"Okay, I'm still at the Diner"

"Is Lynn there?" I say while biting my lip

"She left" Tay mutters

I internally breath a sigh of relief. That's one less thing to worry about.

After I few more minutes more minutes I can see the diner. I hang up the phone and see Tay standing out the front. She sees me and begins to run over to me. She pulls me in for a hugs, I wrap my arms round her waist and rest my head into the crook of her neck.

"I'm so sorry" I mumble. I feel her tighten her grip on me and pull me closer to her.

"Don't scare me like that again, I was so worried" she croaked

I pull away to see her eyes glossed over, she looked like she was about to cry. I hated myself even more. I can't believe I was the cause of such a beautiful person to be sad. Fuck.
She deserves so much better.

She places her thumb on my cheek and gently strokes my face. I look at her, she had a small smile on her face.

"Let's head back" she said. I did a small nod and we begin to walk. We didn't talk much but we didn't have to, I knew that she would want to speak to me later tonight about it.

"My bus is probably gonna be empty" Tay smiles, "Wanna come and watch a film or something". I nod and we head into the direction of her bus.

Once we arrive Tay goes in to check if anyone's there. She gives the all clear and I go in. The moment the door shuts Tay pulls herself closer to and crashes her lips against mine. I instantly kiss back and holder her waist. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls away. I pout slightly and she laughs.

"You know that I care Jenna. You know that I'm always here for you. You also know I'm not letting this go, we're gonna talk about this later" she stares straight into my eyes while saying this. She meant every word, you could see in her eyes and hear it in her tone. I didn't know how to reply to that and I thinks she sensed it because she gently kissed my cheek and said

"You don't have to say anything. Let's go watch a film and we'll talk later, okay?". I lean in and kiss the top of her head.

"Okay" I smile. With that we walk hand in hand to her bunk and put on a film. She laid in my arms with her hair on my chest.

I wasn't paying attention to the film at all. The whole time I was thinking about Tay. How I'd been blessed with a curse. I was so lucky to have her, she was the most amazing girl in the world. That was my blessing. But my curse was me. How at any given moment she was mine to break. I was so scared I would. Maybe not on purpose but there's always that chance. I always mess up, she's the one thing I've gotten right.

Authors notes
Hey guys, hope you enjoy this chapter. I was just wondering what would your guys opinion be on a Lynexa fanfic after this one? Lemme know, thanks to everyone who read

Never thought I would feel like this- A Jenna and Tay love storyWhere stories live. Discover now