A new Fan

398 32 11

Tays POV

I stare at Mike and slowly nod. He stands up and motions for me to walk with him. I follow him, the freezing wind smacking me in the face causing me to sober up.

"How long have you guys been seeing each other?" He asks

"A few days" I mumble "we're not dating though"

"Do you want to?" He turns to me

"Yeah..." I blush a little and try and hide my face

"So are you gay?" That's what I was dreading the most. I hadn't really been thinking about it, I always liked boys but I always kinda questioned it.

"To be honest I honestly don't know. All I do know is that I really like Jenna. More then a friend" he gives a slow nod. I can see that he's processing all of the information of tonight. He pulls me in for the tightest hug ever. I'm shocked at his reaction.

"Tay listen, no matter who you're with, guy or girl. I will always love and accept you. You're like my sister and that's never gonna change. Love is love."

I started to tear up. I was so scared of losing everyone I cared about and here I am with one my best friends saying he's always going to love me. I start crying into his chest and he hold me with out saying a word. I can't explain how relieved I am.

Lynns POV

Fuck sake. I wanted to go to that party but I knew Jenna didn't want me there. She said she needed time and that's all I've given her but now she was wasting mine. I decide to head to a local bar, I needed to get out. I order a beer and sit at a table, drinking quietly.

"Um hey everyone" I turn to see a band slowly walking on stage, they were clearly nervous. The person talking was a girl wearing black ripped skinnies, a grey tank top, her hair was black and she had a jawline to die for. Even from this far away I could see she was gorgeous.

"I'm Alexa and we are Love Robot but it's spelt with a comma so it's kinda spelt like Love comma Robot but said just as Love Robot ... Sorry I'm rambling" she does a cute little laugh, I smile at how adorable she is. I change my seat so that I'm facing them now.

"Anyways this song is called Criminal" she says. The guitar kicks in and I begin to listen. Alexa starts to sign and I'm already hypnotised by her voice.

A few songs pass and I can say that Love, Robot has a new fan. Alexa started scanning the room until her eyes land on me. We stare at each other for a few seconds until she turns away, I can't tell from back here but I think she's blushing.

After the shows done I notice they're meeting fans. I decide to try my luck and walk over to them. I notice Alexa was shying away from the rest of the band. Puts on an acts of being out there but she's actually quiet, that's cute. An introvert disguised as an extrovert.

"Hey" I say

"Hey" Alexa replied shyly

"I'm Lyndsey, Lynn for short" I introduce, sticking out my hand

"I'm Alexa" she shakes hands with mine and smiles

"You guys were amazing tonight, you gained a new fan" I compliment. She blushes slightly.

"Thank you, that honestly means a lot" you could see she really meant it, her eyes sparkled when she spoke.
"What do you do for a living then?" She asked

"I'm in a band too" I laugh slightly as I see her mouth drop

"That's awesome, what you guys called? Her voice was filled with excitement

"It's spelt like P-V-R-I-S but said as Paris because we're dumb and don't know how to spell" she laughs slightly at that.

"Well I must hear this Pvris" Alexa smiles.

"We're playing a second show tomorrow at the same venue, if you're still around then come see us" I offer. Her eyes light up and she nods her head at me.

I could get use to this girl.

Jenna's POV

I put my shirt back on once Tay left and I've been sat filled with anxiety ever since. I knew she wasn't ready to come out and my drunken stupidity forced her to. I started to pace around the room, crying like an idiot. I was so selfish and insensitive. I was working myself up about this.

I heard a little knock on the door, I yell at whoever it was that it the door was open. Tay walks in and rushes over to me and pulls me in for a hug. I bury my head in her hair and start to cry harder.

"I'm so sorry Tay, I'm so sorry I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't mean to force you out. I messed up and I'm sorry". Tay just held on to me and hummed to calm me down. I had to pull myself together, for her, she had to endure all that, not me.

I calm down after a minute and pull away. Tay stares at me for a second and pulls me in for a kiss. At that exact moment Mike walked in, I swear he had the worst timing.

"Shit. Sorry guys" he turned away and covered his eyes. Tay pulled away and groaned.

"Mikeeeeee" she whined.

"I'll leave, I just want to say that what I saw it's going to be kept a secret. I love and support both of you. If you are going to run out though, make sure the door's lock please" he laughed at that part before walking out.

I rest my head against Tays. She was biting her lip, a thing she knew I loved. She looks deep in though. I lean in and kiss her on the cheek,

"What you thinking about Tay?" I mumble

"I have something to ask you" she bit her lip as she spoke. I suddenly felt a wave of sickness wash over me, that's one statement everyone hated.

"Jenna... Will you be my girlfriend?"

Girlfriend... The last person to ask me that was Lynn and I was so uncertain.
This is different though, I've never been more certain of anything in my life.

"Of course I will Tay" I say breathlessly. She crashes her lips against mine and I melt into her. I place my hands on her face and deepen the kiss.

After a few minutes we pull away, Tay grab my hands and smiles at me.

"Want to go watch a film?" She flashes her gorgeous smile and I'm instantly smitten.

"Sure" we walk into the back lounge to pick a film. We ended up picking megamind and by we I mean Tay. I couldn't refuse those puppy dog eyes, she was far too adorable.

We curl up up in my bunk and wrap a blanket around us. Tay lies in the normal position of her head in my chest. But it was different. She was my girlfriend, my girlfriend. This small ball of Disney obsessed adorableness was mine, I was gonna make sure that she was safe and that she was never going to be hurt again.

This girl is so precious.

Authors notes
Hey guys, I hope like this chapter, finally Lynn has met a wild Alexa. Also Tay and Jenna are officially dating yayyy

Never thought I would feel like this- A Jenna and Tay love storyWhere stories live. Discover now