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I went to sit next to Abby and slightly smiled to her. She always sat alone in classes so I tought why not.

"Hey?" she said questioningly.
"Hey, is it okay if I sit here?" I asked and she nodded slowly.
"Great. And sorry again about earlier." I said and then looked at her. There was something very familiar about that girl, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
"It's fine. Can I ask you something?" she said and I nodded.
"Sure." I said as I took out my books.
''Why are you being nice to me?" she asked and I looked at her seriously.
"Why wouldn't I be? You haven't done nothing bad to me." I answered and then the teacher came in.

"The person you are sitting with is going to be your partner 'till the end of the semester." the teacher said and the lesson continued. We talked a bit in class with Abby and then soon the lesson was over.

"Hey not to be wird or anything, but do you have any sisters or anything?" I asked as we walked out of the class.
"I have a sister named Trisha." and as she said that it hit me.

Trisha was girl one year older then me. We used to get along well, since we once were neighbours and we were really good friends. She was always good at dancing and cheerleading and everything. Always energic and lively, also really happy. But our conection got lost when she moved away and got into truble at school for pulling branks. Never got to know what happened to her after that we just faded away from each other lives.

"Is Trisha back now?" I asked Abby.
"You know her?" she asked and I nodded. "Yeah she is back, she goes to the other school then this tho." she added and I smiled.
"I am so glad, that just made my day." I said excited.
"Wait, how do you know her even?" she asked me.
"We were neighbours once me and her just got along really well." I said and smiled.
"Oh then she has talked about you. You are the Noell she lost contact with?" she asked and i nodded. "She missed you lot back then, still does at times." she added and smiled to me.
"Miss her too." I said and then I got an idea. "How about we go and meet up with her?" I asked and she giggled at that.
"We can try, but she has changed." she said with slight laugh.
"I gotta try. So I'll meet you after school on the main door then?" I asked and she nodded, with that i headed to my next class.

Soom the schoom day was over and I met up with Abby, I also had filled in Jess, Tom and Niall with eberything, even though Niall knew her, since I had told him about her back when we were younger.

"So where do we go?" I asked as we headed to my car through the parkinglot.
"She should be at-" and Abby got cutt off by the most annoying voice ever.
"So now that your friends left you, you got so desperate that you are hanging out with nerds?" Taylor asked and I was not in the mood to be stoped so I decided to make it quick.
"I don't see the reason it should bother you, who I hang out with. Also you need to have your own life and then learn how to live it, with out coming to bother mine all the time. And last but not least at least I am with people who are not talking shit about me as soon as I get out of the picture." and with that I sat in the car with Abby and drove off shaking my head, feeling sick of Taylor.

We had drove a bit and then I got that Abby was so quiet. I looked over to her and she was staring at me wide eye holding her laugh back.

"What?" I asked with a slight of giggle in my question.
"I have heard before how you talk to her, but to see it so close makes it even better." she laughed out loud as she said that.
"Yeah I just really dislike her." I said and then we talked some more, soon we made it to some diner where Abby said Trisha should be.

We walked in and I saw a group sitting there having fun and laughing a lot. Abby started to walk towards that group and I slowly followed, yet left a long space between us.

"Hey sis." she got greeted by I guess Trisha. She was changed so much, she was just gorgeous and still with the same bright smile.
"Hey, Trish." Abby answered back and she sat down. Someone ordered her a burger right away and I smiled to that. They seemed to be so goals.

"Who is that staring at us?" I heared Trisha ask and I walked closer.
"Not staring, but looking." I answered back and some girl was abou to say sometjing but Trisha beat her.
"And who do you think you are being all sassy like that? What do you want?" she asked getting up.
"I'll start answering with the second question. I wanted to see ya again. The first question is your own to answer." I said and Abby giggled.
"What is so funny?" Trisha asked her with bit sweetness in her voice.
"That you try to give her second toughts about coming here." she said to Trisha. "Chill girl and Noell, how about you order something to eat too?" she asked me right after.
"Wait, did you say Noell?" Trisha asked furrowing her eyebrows and eberyone got quiet.
"Yes, she is Noell. Can we eat now?" she asked it was normal.

Trisha looked at me and I smiled to her. She just looked at me from head to toe and smiled.

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