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I had my eyes closed when i relised it was still all wrong. Where was dad again? That is what felt off. I was pretty annoyed with my parents always desapearing like that in the middle of the night. It just felt off and wrong. That night i tryed to get some sleep, but just couldn't so i took my phone and called Niall.

"Hey, it's pretty late." he answered with sleepy voice, but not mad that i woke him up.
"I know, sorry. It's just that..." i trailed off, wondering should i tell him or not.
"Parents not home and you feel alone again, in that big house of yours?" he asked already knowing that it was it.
"Yeah. I am so sorry to bother you with that, but i don't like to be alone with windy and stormy nights like that." i said as i had relised that it was raining hard and it got bit stormy outside.
"Well I have made some room for you, so..." he said and i smiled.
"Be there in 10." i answered, ended the calm and got out of my bed. Taking next day's things and clothes.

I got in mh car and took off to Niall's place. As i got there i quietly knocked and walked in. The house was dark, but in his room upsatairs was a sligh lightening. I got up there quietly and as i walked in i smiled to him. He was so sleepy and i found it cute.

"Hey." i said and walked over to his bed.
"Hey, do you need some dry clothes maybe?" he asked and i nodded. I had gotten soaken wet from the hard rain that was pouring like there was no end to it.

He got up getting me one of his hoodies from his closet. I went to the bath room and pulled it on, leaving my wet ones there to dry. And i also let down my ponytail, so now my wet hair where everywhere. I didn't have any make up on, but with Niall it didn't really matter. As i walked back to him he chuckled.

"You look like a small wet kitten." he said laughing harder.
"Real funny Ni. But i can't sleep in the same bed with you this time." I said smiling to him.
"Why? Because i have a girlfriend? Cmon you always do it when i have a girl." he whined and i giggled.
"Sorry Ni, but i can't. If you are in a relationship it just feels wird ya know." i said and he rolled his eyes.
"It's not like we are doing something nasty, just sleeping in the same bed, cuz i'm too lazy to get one more planket." he said smirking like he hoped that it would work.
"No Niall, you have a girlfriend and i am not going to sleep in the same bed with you when you have a relationship." I said and he groaned.
"Fine, i'll get you planket and pillow." he said getting up to get them to me. As he gave me them i thanked him and then laied down, covering myself with a planket.

Soon i heared his soft snores and I just laied there still not getting any sleep at all. What was wrong with me? I used to like stormy wheters. I used to be more then okay with being alone. Now it all had been turned around. I am so tensed about every nois i hear and everything.

I guess it was because things at home seemed to be off and my parents seem to lie to me about something. I then finaly fell asleep as i had put all of my toughts on mu friends and partyes and how we were going to have the best year ever. It all calmed me down and i fell asleep.

The next morning as i woke up, Niall was still sleeping. I checked my phone to see if there was any messiges, but there wasn't. So i got up, went to the bathroom. I got clothes on and did my hair. Added simply make up and then as i walked back into room i saw that Niall wasn't there anymore. So i headed downstairs.

"Good morning." I said as i saw that he was there making some tea.
"So since i know you, how about my girlfriend joins us for breakfast that we are going to have with Tom and Jess?" i giggled at that because i alwayd wanted to know who he was dating to tell if she was good for him or no and i was always right about stuff like that.
"Sure." i answered and we soon got going.

As we met up with Tom and Jess on the caffee, we ordered and then soon after Niall's girlfriend arrived. "Hey." Ni greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and i felt like I was going to be really left out, because i was with two cuples now.
"So everyone, this is Amber and Amber this is Jess, Tom and my childhood best friend Noell." he said and as he inturduced me as his childhood besty, the girl seem to get tensed and stared down at me.
"Hey. Nice to meet you." i said and then wishpered so only Jess heard "i hope atleast." and Jess giggled at it.
I heard how Niall asked Amber what would she like and the answer was so clitche from the movie. "I don't know, something with no sugar, carbs or fat?" she said and giggled. I only wwere suprised how did he even like a girl like that? "So you want water?" I asked and she gave a death glear for a second, but then smiled, so Niall wouldn't see. "Yeah waiter." Tom said and I looked over to him. "Could we get a glass of water please?" he said and we all laughed Niall trying to hold his laugh back, glearing at us. I rolled my eyes and he laughed then too.

After being there and heading to the school Niall said bye to his girlfriend and I started to laugh harf as she was out of our sight.
"Niall you really wanna say that, she is your girlfriend?" i asked as i laughed hard.
"Look Noell i know it seems wrong, but there is something that i just like about her. So please don't be mean to her or me?" he asked and i promised not to be.

An: please comment and vote if you like that story. Let me know what ya think.

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