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The day at school was usual till lunch, after that I had a P.E with Jess. And ofcourse like every teenager, we had our queen bee too and her minions. And what a cliche she was cheer captain, big suprise there.
"Taylor and her minions, can we please all get how cliche it is?" Jess told me and I giggled.
"Just tought the same thing girl. And whoop talking about the devel." I sad as i saw her coming to us, yeah we never had gotten along that well. Or to be correct, we hated each other.

"Well Noell, seems like you are not going to be a cheerleader. You aren't skinny enough." Taylor said to me.
"I'm gonna rip-" and with that i cut Jess off.
"Atleast I have a booty to grab to, which you seem not to have." I said and heard Jess holding back her laugh.
"At least I am not over weighted elephant like you." she shot back and I just held Jess back.
"Yeah, but seems like no guy wants to have only bones and skin. Also I am totaly in my normal weight and as you can see, I can still eat normal food, differently from you." I sanped back.
"Noell you are testing my limits." she said red from her face.
"No Taco I am not, if anythingit is the other way around and sorry i jusy insulted Tacos." I said and she got mad, walking away from us fast.
"Remind me not to get in that kind lf conflict with you." Jess said and we went to actiualy have a lesson now.

After long day in school I went to my training place to meet up with my trainer. As i got there he was already there training someone new.

"Hey Paul." I said and went to hug him. He was like a second father to me.
"Hey, so ready to get started from where we left off last time?" he asked me and I nodded putting my bag down on the bentch.
"Who's the new one?" I asked taking my jaket off.
"Name's Liam. Knows a bit about boxing, needs a lot of training. I hope you are okay with him going here too?" he asked me since it was always only me and him.
"Sure, doesn't bother me." I said and we walked into fighting ring.

As we started with just a easy fighting moves to warm up, it soon turned into harder one. I got a chance to make a move and take Paul down, which i did. Seemed like he wasn't ready for it, so i maneged to hurt him pretty bad.

"Oh my, Paul are you okay? I am so sorry. I got too into it." I said as I looked how he laied there on the ground.
"I am okay, can you give me a hand to help me up tho?" he asked and I helped him up, feeling quilty as ever. I got him an icebag and then helped him to sit down on the chair.

New kid had stopped boxing by then and looked over to us.

"Look I am so sorry I didn't mean to." I said again, guilt taking over me.
"No no it is okay, it just means I've trained you well Noell. I should have known you are strong." he said and i felt bad. How about you go and do the routine training and I'll sit here and recover a bit okay love?" he asked and I nodded.

I got to do some push ups when I heard someone behind me. I turned my head and saw the new kid.

"Sorry but could you not stand behind me? It feels really uncomfroble." I asked him politly.
"Sorry yeah, Paul just told me to come here and you would show me the usual routine training?" He asked and I looked over to Paul who nodded.
"Fine. Well first we do push ups and do as many as you can, push yourself as far as you can with every exercise." I said and we started with push ups.

I hated them and I hated trainging someone, but soon i got used to trainging him. As we finished push ups he seemed like a dead fish to me.

"Boy you okay?" I asked and drank some water.
"He tryed so hard to keep up with you." Paul laiughed as he said thatand i giggled too.
"I can't be weaker then a girl." Liam said and Paul let out a loud laugh.
"I hsve trained her since she could propertly walk, if she is better then you it is okay." Paul said and I nodded.

We did multiple other exercises and he finaly just gave as much as he could and didn't presure more then he was capeble of. We ended with me and him being on the fight ring. He seemed bit frightened.

"You okay?" Paul asked him and he looked at Paul and then me.
"She just seemed pretty good before." he answered and i threw him the brotektion for his theeth.
"Relax we are taking it easy." I said and tightened my ponytail.

After first five minutes he was leing down and I sat on his back. Yeah he had a long way to go, but he was still pretty good at few punches, though he didn't hit me not once.

"Okay see ya next time then Paul." I said and hugged him goodbye as the training was over. As i had reached to my car, Liam ran out to me. It was raining again.
"You are pretty good." he said and smiled.
"Thanks, bit work and you'll be okay too." I answered and he laughed.
"Yeah see ya around." he said and waved me off,walking away.

I got into my car and warmed it up. As I sat there I felt how that training gave me confidence and feeling that I am me now. Yes i did love that training. It was hard and i always had to give my best, but the feelong after that was great.

I finaly took off and as I drove down the rode, it rained even harder. Then I saw Liam walking. As much as I hated getting too close too fast with people I couldn't let him walk in a rain like that.

"Hey, cmon I'll drop you off. These streets aint good when it gets dark." I said and he smiled to me.
"Thanks." he said as he got into my car.

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Ig is: i_will_always_hold_on i alsos write storys there.

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