Akashi face broke into a silent small smile before it fell. His shoulders felt heavy as he stares into his drink.

"She doesn't deserve any of this suffering, Akashi."

'What should I do…?'

The blonde haired keyboardist noticed this as the other two was busy with their own meals before shifting his gaze back to his sandwich.

'It's only natural Akashi-chii looked so lost…he just regained his memories and because of him…Kuroko-chii's…'



That evening, while waiting for the green haired doctor, Midorima and his bandleader, Akashi outside the blood donor room, Kise awaits while Kagami went to freshen up in the nearby restroom. He noticed the door was not fully close and so he went nearer, careful enough not to be notice by the nurses or the two at the table.

"-Kuroko only has a few years left"

"I know you just regained parts of memories but as a friend…I would want the best for you two, so if you want to fix what has happened between you and her, I suggest you do it as soon as possible. Her time may not be as long as we think it is."

Kise amber orbs widened, he could not hear himself breathing.

'Kuroko-chii's…going to die…?'



He held the sandwich tighter, causing some of the contents spilled onto the plate. Murasakibara tapped his shoulder, and it was then the blonde keyboardist snapped out of his train of thoughts.

"Kise-chin, if you don't wanna eat that, can I have them~~~?" he pointed at the crushed sandwich. Kise blinks at his meal. He sighed.

"Sure, but are you sure you wanna eat these…? I kinda crushed them…," he said as he eyed the poor sandwich. Murasakibara nodded.

"It'll be a waste so I'll take them~~besides I'm still hungry~~~" he whined childishly, eyeing the ham sandwich in the plate.

"Then please go ahead, I'm still feeling ful—"he was cut off by the beeping sound of his Smartphone, all three pair of eyes focused on him. He quickly grabbed his phone and slide it open, he furrowed at the name of the text sender.

'Doctor Midorima…?'

Kagami fell asleep on the waiting bench in hospital. Come get him before he gets a sore back. Kuroko has not woken up.

That was the message; Kise amber orbs re-read the last part of the text as he sighed. He bit his lower lip before stuffing the phone into his pocket and grabbed all his belongings and stood up, not noticing the three pair of orbs followed his every movement.

Fate and Destiny [Akashi x Kuroko / Kuroko no Basket]Where stories live. Discover now