Chapter 6: the notes she left.

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~Ricky's POV~

  Okay they make the cutest couple ever. Trevor and Julie are amazing. I heard Trevor wake up and come downstairs. He looked confused. "Hey dude, have you seen Julie?" He asked as he came down. "Nope. Only for like 5 minutes I guess."

"Okay. Do you know where she went?" I asked him. "Um ueah. She gave me a note to give to you. It said to drive to Ihop and dont worry. He left and I ran upstairs, grabbed a.shirt and keys and drove there.

~Trevor's POV~

I ran downstairs and asked if Ricky knew where Julie was. He tolde and then I left. When I got there, the lights were off but I walked in anyway. The lights were very dim but I saw a table with Julie sitting there. I was so happy that I ran over and kissed her. It reminded me of our first date but breakfast this time. We sat there and talked, ate, and just stared at eachother. Those beautiful lips, hair, body, everything. I love her so much. After we left, we went home and watched Nightmare on Elm Street in the dark with only a small lamp on the other side of the room.

She gets scared so easily and when she did, she would turn her head and look up at me. Her eyes are beautiful and I just wanted to watch them forever.

~Connors POV~

I came in from the mall with JC. He can be so gay sometimes that it's amazing. I heard a scream come from the family room. I ran in and saw Trevor and Julie watching a movie. I saw Julie was facing his chest and heard a little noise come from Trevor as she bit him. I just laughed. They hearde and looked. I got somewhat scared. I just told him that I heard screaming lime someone was yelling bloody murder. And that I saw Julie bite  Trev. Oh how I love these two.

(a:n: Hey. hipe this is good. I just posted another fanfic and its called "The Secret Life of Jessica Rose" Go read it)

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