Feeling Weird

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After my dad left, me and my mom went home, my mom drove Claire and Toby home and Zianna just stays at Trollmarket now.

When we drop off Claire, I saw NotEnrique in the window looking at us as Claire got out of the car "See you tomorrow" Claire said "Yep" Toby said as she walked to her front door and turn around and look back at us and then walked in, then my mom drove away "Bye Jimbo" Toby said but I didn't say anything back "Bye Toby" My mom said as Toby crossed the street and then walked into his house.

I open the door and headed for my room "You could have said bye to your friends" My mom said but I didn't answer her, I got upstairs and closed the door and I could hear my mom downstairs but I felt like nothing.

When Toby call me on the walkie talkie, I didn't answer and Claire texted me, I didn't answer until my mom knocked on my door "Jim, I know you don't want to talk right now but just listen to me" My mom said "Since your came back, you been thinking everything is your fault but it isn't your fault, nothing is, I just want you to know. That we will never blame you" My mom said "Don't you think that you have to protect us all the time because you don't have to, Jim, I want you to know that..." My mom said "You will always be my hero, no matter what and I won't let your dad get in the way" My mom said "Good night Jim" My mom said.

I got off my bed and looked out the window and then got a pain in my arm and looked down at it, it was bleeding out of no where.

I ran to the bathroom and cleaned it up but how did I cut it as I hear a knock at the door "Jim is everything alright?" My mom said "Yeah, everything is ok" I said put a towel over it "Are you sure?" My mom said "Yep" I said as she walked away from the door.

The Next Day At Trollmarket

While we were walking to Blinky's library, I looked at my arm and see it bleeding again and I cover it with my sleeve and kept walking.

When we got there, I went into the corner and sat there "Jim, is everything ok" Claire said "Yeah" I said putting my hand over my arm as Zianna walked in "Hey Zianna" Claire said "Where were you today?" Toby asked "Draal was training me and I think I broke every bone in my body" Zianna said as Toby starts laughing "Oh yes, thank you for reminding me" Blinky said "Master Jim, Claire, Tobias and Zianna to the Forge" Blinky said "What about me?" Aaarrrgghh said "You can come to" Blinky said as we headed out of the library.

When we got to the Forge and summon my armor "Aaarrrgghh and Draal train them" Blinky said "I had enough training today" Zianna said sitting down "Ready Master Jim" Blinky said "Yeah" I said as he pushed the button.

I started training and Claire and Toby were training too, "Master Jim! are you ok? you're training is going so slow" Blinky said "I'm fine" I said looking at him "Jim look out!" Zianna yelled as a axe hits me off and I fall onto the ground as Blinky turns it off "You fell pretty far" Aaarrrgghh said as I get up "I know" I said "Jim are you o-" Claire said as I cut her off "Yeah I'm fine" I said as my armor came off "I think it's time to take a break" Blinky said "Jim, what happened to your arm?" Claire asked as I look at it "Nothing" I said "Well, something happened" Zianna said "Maybe the axe did it?" Toby said "He had his armor on and the axe hit him hard but not that hard" Blinky said as I walk out of the Forge and Claire follows me.

I walk into the room where the bridge is and a see Claire's shadow behind me "Jim, tell me what's wrong" Claire said "You're acting like..." Claire said "Why do you want to know" I said turning around "Jim, I ju-" Claire said "Claire..." I said "I don't want to talk about it" I said as Claire walks to me "You're not the Jim, I met" Claire said "Where's the Jim, I liked and was nice, Jim please tell me what's happening to you" Claire said.

I stood there and said nothing until I heard trolls yelling "Changelings!" A troll as Claire runs out and stops "Jim... are you coming?" Claire said, I said nothing, I just stood there and look at the bridge as Claire runs off.

I looked at my arm and see the blood on my sleeve, I felt dizzy but I could still walk.

Claire ran off to see the Changelings "Where's Jim" Toby said "He didn't want to come" Claire said as the Changelings comes closer to us "Jim! Help!" Claire yelled as I hear and run to her "For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command" I said while running.

I see the Changelings as Zianna goes into her troll form and I attack one of them "The Trollhunter!" The Changeling yelled as she comes running at me "Lily?" Zianna said as the Changeling grabs my arm "Brother!" The Changeling said "Grab the amulet" The Changeling said as Draal and Zianna tackle grab them both and take them out of Trollmarket.

When they got back Blinky got mad at me "You didn't want to come!" Blinky said "You are the Trollhunter! your job is to protect us!" Blinky said "What if they killed all of us Master Jim!" Blinky said "Master Jim! stop thinking about other things and focus on this fight!" Blinky said "Blinkous, you can stop now" Vendel said "Master Jim! focus on protecting Trollmarket!" Blinky said "Well if you think this is so easy then do it yourself!" I said throwing the amulet at Blinky and then walking out of his library "Do you think I was too hard on him" Blinky said "A little bit Blinkous" Vendel said "Jim..." Claire said.

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