Jim and Claire

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Me and Blinky were looking for Claire, Toby, Aaarrrgghh, and Draal, Blinky pointed at the forest "Master Jim over here" Blinky said "Hurry Blinky" I said running into the forest "Master Jim wait for me" Blinky said running after me.

I started thinking of what my dad could do to them and then I hear Claire "Claire! I'm coming" I said and then I felt a little pain in my leg but it wasn't that painful, I saw Aaarrrgghh "Aaarrrgghh!" Blinky yelled as we were running to them.

I took out my amulet "For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command" I said "Jim! help!" Toby said "My son it's great to see you again" My dad said and I wasn't going to let him get to me, I pulled out my sword "Oh you wanna fight? Well then" My dad said pulling out a knife.

I ran to him and took swing at him, He block it with his knife "Do think your gonna win against your own FATHER" My dad said and then I started to lose energy in my armor "What's happening" I said "Me" My dad said and then my armor went away "Jim!" Claire said running to me but Blinky stop her "Tom, we should go" someone said "One minute Mara, and Jim i'll be back and you won't be able to save you or your mother" My dad said walking away.

I got up and started thinking who was Mara "Jim! are you ok" Claire said hugging me "Yeah, i'm fine" I said, I looked at Claire and she looked scare for me and then I started thinking about that dance we had on that mountain on the night of the Spring Fling dance.

"Claire, remember that night of the Spring Fling dance?" I asked "Yeah" Claire said "We never got to finish our dance" I said "That's right because I ruined it with Angor Rot" Claire said and then I grab her hand "Come on" I said "Jim! where are you guys going" Toby said "To finish our dance" I said and I looked at Claire, she looked happy.

We went to the entrance of Trollmarket and I pick up my Vespa, I handed Claire her helmet and then we got on and I drove us to the mountain.

When we got there I put down my phone on my Vespa and played the same song I played on the night of Spring Fling and then I walked over to Claire, I grab Claire's hand and then started dancing with her but after awhile we started to slow dance "Jim, I'm worried about you and your father" Claire said "Claire, I know your worried but I can take care of my father" I said "I Just... don't want him to hurt you" Claire said looking down "Claire... and I don't want him to hurt you" I said and then she looked up at me and smile.

Then we heard something behind a tree "Jim" Claire said "Yeah" I said "Did you hear that?" Claire asked "Yeah I did, stay close Claire" I said walking over to the tree "Ok" Claire said and then someone came out from behind the tree "Hey Lame Jr." Steve said "Steve, what are you doing here ?" I asked "Nothing" Steve said "Yeah right, you were watching us" Claire said "Come on Claire, I know I'm better for you" Steve said pushing me out of the way "No, your not!" Claire said "Get away from her Steve!" I said "Or what?" Steve said and then I started thinking of what I should do "Um... I will" I said.

"That's what I thought Lame Jr." Steve said grabbing me by my shirt and lifting me to punch me "Steve, stop!" Claire said "Don't worry Claire, I'm not going to hurt him that bad" Steve said and then someone jumped out of a tree and attack Steve "Get off of me!" Steve yelled and then dropping me on the ground.

The person throw Steve into a tree and then turned to Claire "Your the girl that I'm suppose to KILL!" the person said "Jim!" Claire yelled "For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command" I said running to Claire and then block the person with my sword "Claire! run!" I said "Jim, I'm not leaving without you" Claire said "Your Friends won't see you two again" the person said and then the person kicked me into a tree "Jim!" Claire yelled running to me.

My armor came off and the amulet fell by the person and Claire and I went to go grab it but the person push back Claire into me "He said this wouldn't be hard but it wasn't and Tom was right!" the person said "Who are you" I asked "Heard of the name Mara" She said "Oh no" Me and Claire said "That's right" She said and then my phone ringed and Mara went over to it "Oh look who it is? It's your friend Toby, it's sad that he won't be able to see you guys tomorrow" Mara said and then everything went black.

Author Epp, Hi guys the next chapter half of it is going to be in Toby's POV and the other half is going to be in Claire's and tell me if you like it and I might do it more often. The next chapter is coming out today  And sorry for long chapter and tell me if you guys like the long chapters or the short chapters but this chapter was really fun to write and I hope you enjoy the chapter and. Other thing I will post parts on these days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday and on Saturdays I post two parts on the same day and after Monday i'll be taking a break for while and Bye~

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