Jim's Nightmares

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When I woke up, I was in the kitchen still and I couldn't remember anything that happen last night. I got up and looked outside, it looked like Halloween roll in and then I heard Toby, Claire and Blinky screaming my name "Jim! let us in" Claire said banging on the door and I tried to open the door but it was lock and I couldn't open it "Jim! don't let us die, like what you did to Aaarrrgghh, Draal and Trollmarket" Toby said and then I saw Gunmar come behind them "Master Jim! open the door!" Blinky said and then Gunmar grab Blinky "Your going to taste good" Gunmar said before eating Blinky "Blinky!" I yelled trying to get the door open and then heard Toby and Claire screaming "Tobes! Claire!" I yelled, I just saw my friends die.

I woke up, I got up and looked outside, it looked like a normal day and then I slide down the wall until I was on the ground and crying. I didn't hear my phone going off upstairs and then a message came on "Hey Jim, it's Claire. We found where they took your mom and were going to come to your house soon, bye Jim" Claire said on the message but I couldn't hear the massage.

I heard someone knocking at the door, but I didn't get up to get it "Jim! are you home" Toby said. I didn't answer, I just sat there "Jim! it's Claire and Toby" Claire said knocking on the door "Claire, did you call him and saying that we were coming" Toby said "Yeah, but it went to voice mail" Claire said "Is he home?" Toby asked "Where would he go" Claire said "I don't know" Toby said "Well, let's check the side of his garage. To see if his bike is there" Claire said "It's here and that means, oh no" Toby said "What? oh no" Claire said "Oh nothing, know there's a extra key by the back door" Toby said changing the conservation "Here it is" Toby said grabbing the key and unlocking the door "Jimbo! where are you" Toby said "He could be sleeping still" Claire said "Oh your right" Toby said going upstairs and Claire followed and they walked right passed me.

I got up, and rub my face to get rid of the tears and went upstairs "He isn't here" Claire said "And his bag is still here and his amulet and phone" Toby said and then I walk into my room "Hi guys" I said "Aaaahhhh" They yelled and then Toby attack me "Toby!" I said "Oh, it's you Jim" Toby said getting off me.

I felt weird, "Where were you!" Claire yelled at me "Toby is dead because of you" Claire said "Why didn't you show up JIM!" Claire said "Your best friend is dead! because of YOU!" Claire said "Everyone was right! YOUR NOT READY TO BE A TROLLHUNTER" Claire said grabbing the amulet "I don't get it, that the amulet chose you!" Claire said walking away "No one wants you around Jim! Not even Blinky because you let him DOWN" Claire said "When we needed you the most Jim! YOU DON'T SHOW UP" Claire said walking out of the room.

"Jim... JIM!" Toby said "Hey Jim, are you ok?" Claire asked "Uh, yeah I'm fine" I said "Ok then, Blinky is going to meet us by entrance of Trollmarket after school" Claire said "Ok" I said going downstairs "Hey Toby, do you think Jim is acting a bit strange" Claire said "Yeah, maybe we should skip school for today" Toby said with a smirk on his face "Really Toby" Claire said crossing her arms "Fine, just for today" Claire said "Guys, I'm going to make breakfast!" I said from downstairs  "Ok Jim" Claire said.

While I was making breakfast, I started thinking about my mom and then I cut myself with the knife "Ow, Crap!" I said "Jim is everything ok? JIM! you cut yourself" Toby said "Guys I'm fine, I'll go clean it in the bathroom.

After I was done cleaning my cut, I went back downstairs and saw Claire and them in the woods "Jim...No..." Claire said "Claire..." I said "Jimbo come back please" Toby said crying "Master Jim" Blinky said "Jim! NO!" Claire said hugging me on the ground crying.

I looked on the ground and saw me "Jim please!" Claire said crying "Draal" The amulet said "Noooo" Toby yelled "Please Master Jim" Blinky said hugging me and then it from that to them bury me and then them building a structure of me, everyone was sad and Draal was the new Trollhunter.

Jim's Father  {Completed}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ