Danger Is Coming

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After, Draal took my dad out of Trollmarket. I started to feel a little weird as we were headed to Blinky's library and that's when I started to feel dizzy, I couldn't see "Master Jim, are you ok" Blinky asked.

I nodded my head and then we continue, Claire looked at me with a worried face"Jim, are you sure that your ok?" Claire asked "I-I'm fin-" I said and then fell to the ground "JIM!" Toby screamed "Oh no" Blinky said "Draal, go get Vendel!" Claire said and then Draal ran to go get Vendel "Jim, please wake up" Claire said "Jim Jim!" Toby said has I open my eyes and then closed them again.

"What happen here" Vendel said "Jim just collapse" Claire said "Aaarrrgghh! pick up Jim and bring him to the Heartstone" Vendel said. When I woke up, I was in the Heartstone "Your awake Jim" Vendel said "What happened?" I asked "Jim, you fell to the ground" Vendel said "I did" I said.

Vendel nodded his head "I'll go get your friends" Vendel said leaving the heart stone, I looked around and then hearing Toby scream my name "Jim! Your alive!" Toby said running to me and then hugging me and then I looked at Claire "Jim, you scared me" Claire said then hugging me too "Where's Blinky?" I asked "He's in his library looking for what made you collapse" Claire said.

After awhile, Blinky came in with Vendel and Aaarrrgghh "Master Jim! your up" Blinky said "But Master Jim, I found what made you collapse and it was from that box your dad thrown at you" Blinky said "Blinkous, what is it?" Vendel asked "Well Vendel, Jim's Father could have killed Master Jim" Blinky said "What!?" Toby said "He could of killed Jim but how?" Claire asked "I couldn't find that part" Blinky said "Let's go fine this fleshbag and kill him" Draal said "I'm with Draal" Toby said "Guys, i'm fine you don't have to- Ok there they go" I said "Master Jim, should we go after them? we don't know the other things that your father can do" Blinky said "Blinkous is right Jim" Vendel said.

I got up from the rock bed thing "We should go after, if my dad hurt me that much, we don't know what he will do to them" I said running out of the Heartstone "Master Jim, wait up.

Author Epp, Hello~ and this is it for chapter 4 and I know it's coming out a bit late because we didn't have internet yesterday so i'm writing it to day and I won't post a new parts on Fridays and Sundays but it depends if I have idea for Jim's Father and I can't wait i'll probably post on one of the days I don't post on. Thats it and the next part will come out tomorrow and for updates check out my twitter EppHouse for some updates and Bye~

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