Chapter 32

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~back to future~
L's eyes were wide. Her good eye dashing over your face as you finished your story. She had stolen the chocolate chips from you which sat in her lap her hand stopped mid motion of bringing a few to her mouth. You shakily rubbed the back of your neck.

"Yeah.. T-they were killed by a a drunk driver from the same party, Jr was driving anyway. He was always the designated driver. The car had rolled eight times and was upside down when they found them." You pushed a few strands of hair from your face, "Heh. I felt so broken after their funeral, like I didn't know what to do. Like I just wanted to forget. I didn't drink again, I really didn't do anything. One day Triss placed my guitar on my lap and said let's play something." You exhaled shakily, "I started crying, I looked down at my guitar one Ruth helped me pick out and customize, and started sobbing. It reminded me of them, of all they stood for. I haven't played it in nearly thirteen years." Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, but you shook your head clearing them, "I threw myself into my studies that final semester, Triss, like the worried mother hen she is, helped me. We befriended Bradford, Alexis, and Jeff, too. It helped me forget my loss, the girl I was died that day, and became really nothing, through I healed and I am still healing." You shrugged softly, "Death happens, sometimes lays claim to the seemingly wrong people." 

The chocolate chips L was holding fell back into the pile as she continued to stare at you mouth wide. You chuckled sadly taking the bowl from her and shoveled a large handful into your mouth. It was a bad habit that you have tried to break many times, but couldn't since Jr and Ruth's deaths was eating. Whether it be stress related your sadness related you always forced food down your gullet, it didn't matter what kind it was either. You take what they call comfort food to a whole new level. 

L took the bowl away from you, "I know what your doing." She said, "I do the same thing when I'm depressed, food just seems like the most safe option." She placed the bowl out of your reach, "I'm sorry about your friends, I really know sympathy doesn't help, but it's all I can say, Sorry." 

"Its fine," you muttered lowering your head to rest on your folded arms, "Can we please just talk about something else please?" 

"S-sure." L said shaking her head slightly

"So what was your life like before you met Rick?" You asked, "If you don't mind me asking." 

"Nah it's fine." She held a far away look in her eyes as through it was hard to remember her life with out her rick, "Umm.... my life was pretty mundane, no one seemed to believe I was a super genius, so I didn't get to skip grades, but I did graduate valedictorian, I was the town 'eccentric'," she said making air quotes, "I was always searching for more knowledge, I couldn't afford college, and being an orphan didn't help any. So I lived in a building that was kinda sketchy on the outside, but was pretty nice on the inside. Then one day someone comes knocking at my door," you giggled slightly looks like your not the only one who talks with their hands, "And I thought, 'Oh god it's the landlord isn't it, come to finally kick me out.' But when I opened the door it was my rick, a younger him, but my rick none the less. Turns out for some reason he lived in the room below me and heard I do sciencey things and invited me to come help him with an experiment." Her eyes darkened slightly, "Worst decision of my life, because before I could stop myself I had fallen in love with the man that would come to my door everyday asking for help on an experiment. He might have some feelings for me, but he hides them well. He had shown me a whole new world, but since I had let him tag me I realized I was just a slave along for the ride." She blinked back tears that boiled in her eyes, "We went to many different worlds, but it felt like I was on the outside looking in as Rick dragged me around so he could buy a the fucking newest in the line of Flux Capacitors! I want to leave..." she whispered, "I want to try to escape and rip this tag straight out of my wrist!" She said gesturing to the small bump in her right wrist, "But I can't.... call me weak, call me stupid, but I love my Rick with all of my heart, even if he does some stupid shit, I love him." 

She brought her hands too her face and released a choked sob. Tears running through the gab between her fingers. You could hear the turmoil in her voice, the want to be free again, but not wanting to leave the one she loved. Something clicked in your mind and the words tumbled out before you could stop them.

"Did your rick electricute your eye?" You immediately slapped your hands over your mouth shocked at what fall out, usually you were better at holding your tongue. 

"Yes..." she whispered, "Yes he did..." 

(Not sure if I already said that I don't think I did, but meh. Later. The chapter number won't fix.)

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