Chapter 2

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You sighed and pulled on your sweater. It bunched softly around your neck, you left your hair down, it was a silky sheen down you about the middle of your back. You ran your hands over your thighs some. The material of your jeans was soft and stretchy. This was your favorite pair. You gazed at your self in the mirror leaning against the wall. You gazed at your features slightly, at your thin almost fragile looking body. You smiled slightly pushing some hair behind your ear, this was you, some what odd looking, but you.

You gazed into your eyes, you could almost see stars shinning behind the irises. They were a lone solitary universe all there own. You laughed slightly and walked down stairs into the empty kitchen. You gazed around at the walks, black smudges covered some spots on the yellowing wall. You opened a cooler full of food you had brought and dug around in it. Pulling out an apple  you sighed and put it back. You shouldn't eat, you would be heading over to the Smiths for dinner soon. You sighed and closed it. Walking over to where the living room would be. You sighed and gazed around it.

It was empty, as to be expected, except for a few boxes placed around. The carpet was a dull and fading red. You kicked it slightly a large cloud of dust jumped up then slowly floated back down. You jumped slightly as you heard a knock on your door. You weren't expecting anyone. There was another knock on the door. You hesitantly walked toward it. Kicking on your worn out sneakers you walked in your small mud room then to the front door. You opened it to be meet with a light blue shirt. You blushed slightly and looked up.  It was the old man, Beth's father you believed.

"Umm.... hi?" You said waving slightly holding your arms close to your chest

"Hello~" he purred

"What do you need?.." you questioned

"What I just come over to see-" he was cut off by Beth yelling at him from across the street

"Dad! Stop harassing the neighbor!" She yelled standing in her doorway "Hi dearie! I apologize for him!" You waves slightly at her looking around the thin man before you

The old man growled slightly, "I'm not Harassing her Beth!" He looked back to you, "Can't I just say hello?"

"Well, get back here dinners almost ready!" She paused as she turned, "(y/n) you can come over too sweetie!"

"Well, com'on then, bunny." He laughed a little walking away

Bunny? You questioned yourself grabbing your keys. Locking the door you jogged across the street. You were about to knock on the door when someone called 'just come in!' You walked in and gazed around. It was nice looking on the inside. You walked into what you could only assume was a living room. You slowly sat down on the couch close to the sliding door. You folded your hands on your lap and tried not to take up to much space. Crossing your legs you gazed around the room, it was quiet and no one was in here with you.

"Mom! When is the girl..." the voice trailed off as you looked behind you

A young boy, maybe 14 or 15, stood there in the doorway. He was in the motion of pulling on his pants, only having them at his knees. His face flushed a deep crimson as he stared around. You giggled slightly at him causing him to stiffen even more. Beth sauntered in from where you assumed the kitchen was. She looked at her son.

"Pull up your pants Morty, we have a guest." She said turning her crystal blue gaze to you, "Sorry about him." She giggled  

You snickered slightly trying hard to keep your giggles in, but failed. Your loud laugh seemed to echo around the room. Beth smiled at you and sat down, as you tried hard to collect yourself, but the situation was just too funny. You took a couple deep breath and smiled shyly at Beth.

"Sorry 'bout that." You said shy brushing hair from your face 

"No, it's fine." Beth giggled, "Its ok to laugh in this house, plenty of funny stuff happens here." She gestured to her son whom was passing, still red faced to the kitchen, "That wasn't one of the funniest happenings in this house." 

You got the creeping feeling you were being watched again as you played with your hair a little. Sighing to looked out of the sliding glass door. It was getting dark, stars slowly being to dapple the sky. You sighed softly as you felt Beth leave your eyes fixated on connecting the stars like dots. You felt the couch bend as a weight sat down next to you. Cocking a brow you looked to your left. It was the man from before. He kicked one of his lank legs on the coffee table to took a swing of what you could only assume was alcohol from a sliver flask. You sighed and looked back out the glass. The silence continued, aside from an occasional burp from the old man, you sighed. You were here to meet your neighbors, so why not at least make an attempt at talking to them.

"Umm... you n-nick, right?" You asked turning back to the man

He looked at you with striking blue eyes from the corner of his vision.

"It's Rick," he growled in a low tone taking another drink from his flask 

That's a little rude, but try to make friends (y/n). "Okay! Thanks for the clarification! I'm (y/n), by the way!" You said cheerily extending a hand to him 

He mumbled something that sounded a lot like 'I already knew that.' And took your hand giving it a firm squeeze and a quick shake then took his thin hand away. 

"S-so what do you do for a living?" You asked 

He glared at you slightly, "I'm a scIENtist." He said taking another swing from the flask 

"R-really?" You paused, "What kind? Or what do you study to say the least?" 

He seemed almost surprised by the question and took a couple minutes to think about it. 

"I guess..." he thought hard, "I guess I could be considered an astrobiologist." 

"Really!?" You laughed a little, "I've studied, doctored and are going to be lecturing in astrology!" 

He seemed even more surprised by this then started to crack up, he was soon howling with laughter, "That's  hilarious,bunny, but there is no way someone like you or as young could possibly be a Astrologist!" He wrapped his arms around his stomach, "That's a real gut buster! A true tEAR drawer!" He howled as you started to search through your pictures for the image that would prove him wrong 

You found it and smiled. Rick was about to make another snarky comment when you placed a finger on his lips and shhhed him softly. 

"Look." You said turning the screen towards him 

His eyes widened in astonishment. He gently took the phone from you staring at the image. You laughed.

"There is no mother-fucking way." He said 

You laughed you hand managed to find the the your gradution photo from when you finally graduated from Harvard university at like 16. You snorted a little stared at your nails, grinning. Just threw down a cocky asshole. 

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