Chapter 16

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(2nd pov) 

You yawned softly pulling the blankets around you tighter. You felt an arm tighten around you slightly. You blinked opened your eyes immediately wincing at the difference. After a few blinks you eyes were adjusted just fuzzy still. You head hurt like hell, like you had bashed your head on a cement wall. That's when you realized it, this wasn't your room. Your fuzzy vision didn't help, you looked and saw the wall your back was facing was covered with different pages and pictures you couldn't read. They each were connected with a red sting, indicating something significant that you couldn't understand. You drug your eyes from the wall by your head and the face in front of you. 

It was half buried in the pillow. Usually wild grey-blue hair was bedraggled and flatter. You scanned the face trying to recognize it, but the fuzziness in your vision you couldn't tell if they were even awake. You shuffled slightly only to be pulled back closer to the other person in the bed. You heard them grumble something breathily signaling that they are still asleep. You sighed and tried to remember anything, anything at all from last night. All you could grasp was dancing, slipping on something, then pain. The head pain splittered behind your eyes making it painful to have them open. Your eyes watered and you wiped your eyes slightly on the blanket it no avail. You heard the person whom had you in their arms stir. You looked up numbly at them tears blinding you even more. 

"(Y-y/n)?" A voice yawned, you could hear it faintly as through it was an echo 

"Hmm?" You hummed numbly trying to block out the pain

"Are you alright?" You shook your head causing more pain

There was a quiet chuckle that you recognized, "Well, I'll get you some pain killers and water."  The bed shifted as they left 

You heaved a soft sigh and breathed in the scent they left on the bed. It was familiar, but your mind was too groggy to figure out who it was. You pulled the blanket over your shoulders as you slowly raised yourself to a sitting position. Your ears popping in the process. Every sound seemed to hurt your ears and every light hurt your eyes. You heard the door creak open with a loud creek and winced as the light hit your eyes. 

"H-h-hey! (Y/n), R-Rick t-told me to give you w-water," there was a tray set beside you on the bed, "H-he said h-he was going to get you pain k-k-killers." 

Your eyes widened, "I-I-I have a lecture w-with college kids!" You stood up abruptly chugging the water, "I-I-I have t-to go," as soon as you went to take a step who you assumed was Morty stopped you 

"N-no! R-r-relax R-Rick paused time!" He squeaked manageing to push you back onto the bed.

"H-how... OW FUCK!" You yelled before you even got the question out splintering pain rushed through your head 

You placed your head in your hand. Morty pulled the blanket back over you. You felt the tears that were welling in your eyes fall. You managed to wipe them away while more welled in your eyes. Morty left saying something along the lines of I'm going to get more water. You gently messaged your temples trying to relieve some of the pounding from your head. Suddenly someone shook a pill bottle in front of you. You looked up groggily to see only smuggled colors. They shook the pill bottle again and you took it. You opened it and let a few pills roll into your hand, you weren't sure how many but enough. They handed you a glass of water. You took the pills with a deep swallow of water. 

Your vision started to clear up and you looked at the person before you. They were still blurry but more recognizable. Rick. You blushed darkly realizing he was then one in bed with you. He gazed along your face and chuckled.

"Don't worRY, we didn't fuck." He laughed, "I would want you to remember it.~"

You coughed on the sip of water you were taking causing him to laugh again.

"S-so," you started slowly, "W-what exactly h-happened last night?" 

He chuckled crouching down to your height, "Well, we were having fUN danceing and all that shit," he paused to run a hand through his hair, "I said we needed to take a break, whAT I can infer is that you drink highly spiked punch and.." he broke off in a slight laugh, "Decided dancing on the roOF. Would be a good idea." 

"T-that explains s-somethings." You mumbled dragging a hand over your face, "D-do you k-know what I was drugged with?" 

He furrowed his brow, "Think if lsd, crACk, weed, and someother drug had a baby and it was raISed by cigarettes." 

You cocked a brow, at least you thought you did, "S-so, t-that explains s-so much more." You paused to try and relieve some of the pain in your head, "S-so you p-paused time?" 

"Eeeyup!" He laughed, "It's still MONday the 17th, relively 1:45.23 seconds." 

You groaned in pain, "I-i-i  have a l-l-lecture larer t-to-day." 

"Bunny, thIS isn't a normal hangover, this is a space hANgover, so we can unpause time when your sure the drugs ARe out of your system." He paused, "Then we'll see how you feel." He got up on his feet, "now gET some sleep and take some more pills if you ARe still in pain. And feel free to change into something more comfortable." He said poniting to the dresser, "ALl of them are clean." He yawned, "We'll he cleanINg down stairs if you need anything.

He left and Morty came back shortly with another cup of water and set it on the small table next to the half empty cup and pill bottle. He gazed at you sympathetically then Rick yells at him, something about a dick, you couldn't tell. He closed the door you slowly got up and wearily padded over to the dresser. You found a shirt and looked through the other drawers not finding any pants. You sighed and gazed at the boxers in hand. You questioned yourself (as the author does the same.) you sighed, this was all that would work well. You slipped off the pants you had on last night and pulled on the the boxers, you stripped the shirt that was damp and pulled on the shirt you had on hand. You slowly made your way back over to the bed. You laid down nuzzling your face into the pillow. You slowly pulled the blanket over you more and started to drift off. 

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