Chapter 30

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Blushing like a fool you face planted into the chocolate chips sending many of them tumbling on to the ground. You could feel L's prying eyes on your neck and could sense her mischievous shit-eating grin. You knew what she was going to say before she even opened her mouth to speak. 

"Spppiiillllll!!!!!!" She laughed like a teenager  

You groaned your face burning. Why in all of the universes was this what happens now. L placed her hands on your cheeks and lifted your face up. She squashed your face in her hands and made you look at her.

"Tell me." She demanded 

"Releaseth meh faceth." You said 

She complied, "So tell me about it, cause I highly doubt you lost it to your rick, so Spill!" 

You face flushed you trailed your eyes down, "I was still in college, I just turned sixteen and was rocker teen as rocker teen could get. He was the hottest sophomore... hell he was the hottest guy in Harvard....." your eyes trailed back up to L's expecting face, "Simon Westerberg." 

~~ epic flash back transition to senior year at Harvard Neh~~ 

You groaned quietly as you sat up. Empty cans of both liquor and dr. Pepper rolled off your body and clattered onto the floor. You pushed a few stray locks of (h/c) and neon blue hair from your sticky face. You gazed around and secured the fact that you were on the couch in the dorm you and Triss shared. 

"TRISS!?" You screeched healing around the small living room, "IF YOUR DEAD I'M STEALING YOUR ADVANCED AERODYNAMICS PROJECT!!"  

"What?..." a drowsy voice asked from behind the counter, "Don't yell... my head hurt." 

That was Triss. You could tell from her drowsy hungover voice. The exit door to your dorm swung open and light flooded in. Causing you to hiss loudly and stumble backwards over the arm of the couch. You glared over at the pink haired bitch in the doorway.

"What's up you cunts!?" She laughed loudly, "Where's the birthday hoe!?" 

You rolled your eyes, "Ruth your about a day late to the party." 

Ruth chuckled, "Speaking of parties heard you had a little get together hear that was pretty rocking." She said in a laughing tone striding over to you her spiked heeled boots clicking on the wooden floor, she lifted you in her arms in a massive hug, "My little (p/n)((pun with your name))-bug is growing so big! 16 years old!" Ruth gave her signature booming laugh that resided deep in her chest, "Still got 'bout 6 years on ya though!" 

"Ruth-less, put (p/n)-bug down before you kill the poor dear with your boobs." A male voice pushed through the conversation

"Hey, where's the Triss-ter?" Ruth questioned setting you back down on your feet 

Triss groaned from the kitchen floor, or at least what is supposed to be a kitchen, and Ruth gladly rushed out towards the 'Triss-ter.' The man at the door walked in and shut the door behind him. Jr. according to Ruth, jr-sized. Well, jr was not a small man, he stood at nearly six six and was well toned. He was like a brother to you, you knew he would never hurt you. He's prevented you from doing some dumb shit, most of the time. 

"(P/n)-bug, you've been practicing the song we've been writing?" He smiled as he sat down next to you on you couch. 

You nodded and opened your mouth to speak when there was a knock on your door. You hastily got up and drug yourself to the door. You opened it too see three people standing there. 

"Oh! Hi... umm... " you snapped your fingers slightly, "Bradford right?.... Jeff... and Alexis?" The all nodded, "So what can I do for you this day?" 

"We're just humble messengers of Mr. Swiggens Advanced Orbital Space travel, well, do to," Bradford cleared his throat, "Certain circumstances, Mr.Swiggens class is cancelled for today." 

You nodded them off then heard Jeff whisper to Alexis, "I heard someone took a piss on his windshield and froze it there with something." Grinning to yourself you kicked the door shut.

"Guess who got Swiggens class cancelled!?" You yelled wiggling your peirced brows.

"What did you do?" Jr asked stretching his arms above his head 

"Well, for my birthday, Triss and I and a bunch of other kids went out and fucking covered his house with toilet paper, shove like what four potatoes in the tail pipe of the stupid care his has." You laughed sitting on your table 

"Two potatoes in the tail pipe four in the engine." Triss corrected as she walked in and handed you a mug 

You smiled at the delicious smell of hot chocolate, "thank yoou!"   

"Why don't you tell miss Ruth-less here what else you did?" Triss hummed smiling 

"Ok for some reason maybe at a different party we mixed my urine with Nitrogen. And some how kept it unfrozen, so we just dumped that shit on his windshield froze right up." You high-fived Triss as she walked pass back to the kitchen 

"Fucking awesome!" Ruth shouted, "That sounds like an awesome song title, 'Urine Mixed with Nitrogen.' I love it! I could get my key board and we can start practicing!" and just like that she was gone again 

You rolled your eyes slightly, pushing some of your messy (h/c) and blue locks from your face. Suddenly you felt something chewy in your mouth. You stuck your index finger and thumb i  your mouth. You inspected the substance on your fingers, gum. You shrugged and popped it back into your mouth and blew a bubble that you snapped loudly. You watched the warm chocolate liquid in your cup. Soon growing disgusted at the gum you quickly spat it out in the trash. You didn't question when you saw the end of someone's ponytail in there. You just happily took a sip from your mug. 

Ruth soon returned with her keyboard and a folder that looked as through it was for science notes, but you knew it was just full of different songs and ideas. She grinned happily and with a swinging arm pushed everything off the small coffee table, if you could even call it that. 

"What are you guys waiting for go get your instruments!" Ruth said smiling boldly 

You smiled softly.

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