There was a moment of silence before a pair of footsteps sounded behind me. It walked calmly to my right before coming to stop in front of me. As soon as he had stopped, my eyes flickered to the dark eyes of the Protector.

Seeing a small smug smirk appear at the edge of his lips made me want to permanently remove his mouth though I prevented myself to give him the satisfaction that I was effected.

His smug smile didn't disappear however.

"Well, well, well. It seems like the princess have wakened."

I forced down a scowl from the nickname he had just given me.

"How was you beauty sleep, darling?", he grinned at me as his eyes flashed amusingly.

I remained silent and stared at him blankly, calming myself from having to jerk myself uselessly in my bonds to get to him.

His smile dropped into a scowl at my lack of response. With a quick shift of his body, he threw a punch to my side.

I was expecting the punch though I was surprised to feel the power behind it, causing me to immediately grunt out in pain. Not before long, he threw another one to my other side.

This time, I was unable to push back the pain and gasped when I felt him break my ribs. Coughing, I removed my gaze from his and dropped my head ad I struggled to breathe through the pain.

With every breath, however, I felt a painful jab to my lungs and I had to stifle the urge to cry out loud or breathe deeply, knowing that it would cause the broken bones inside of me to pierce my lungs.

I felt a shift in the air in front of me and I instantly stiffened to ready myself for the harsh blow.


A deep voice emitted from behind me, causing me twitch slightly in surprise at the authoritative tone. Immediately, I felt the shift disappear and I breath out a sigh of relief. However, I stiffened when I felt pain in my side and cursed at myself for having forgotten that I shouldn't breathe deeply. Pushing back the possibility of having stabbed my lungs or my tissue, I focused on the approaching footsteps of the High Commander.

The footsteps were slow and heavy as each step echoed around the room. The sound felt like calm rain before a strong hurricane as it stopped in front of me. The Protector shuffled to the side, allowing his Master to take his place right in front of me.

"Look at me", his tone was cold as he ordered me.

I ignored him as I softly breathed in and out, trying to lessen the pain in my side.

"Void", he said warningly.

I gave out one last breath and was about to raise my head up when I felt a punch on my face. With the amount of strength behind it, my head whipped to the side as cheek throbbed.

"Listen to your Commander, princess."

I slowly raised my head up, flickering my eyes to the Protector who glared at me with his fists raised before they settled on the High Commander.

The High Commander was still wearing his cloak with his hood down, though I was able to feel his gaze on me.

"Now that your attention is on me, I implore you to answer my question truthfully or you'll face my Protector's wrath."

"If I may be so bold, I think that would be against his current occupation", I said aloud, almost cutting his sentence. With every word I uttered, my cheek pulsed in pain, ensuring that it would be in a nice dark color in an hour.

Silent AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now