Chapter 33. The End

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Life goes on. 
I keep telling myself this and I'm slowly starting  to believe it because yes,  technically  life does go on but memories stay frozen and I'm captured in those moments. Fall in love with the moments not the people, because people leave,  memories don't.  Sometimes I wish they do though,  it's hard to remember what I use to have and no longer have it.

You get so caught up in memories you realize that you actually were in love with that,  the memories, the moments you and a person shared,  that you realize it was never the person their self . My dad's coming around and I think of all the good times we had together and how I feel about him now and those are two completely different emotions and sometimes you just have to ask yourself,  if you wiped away all the good times you and a person had together,  and if you went out and did something  today, and just had a conversation with them, would you love the person that your with?
No strings attached.

The thing with Ace is that we never even had good moments,  it was something amongst the bad ones that was so great.  He balanced me out being my complete opposite in every possible way. He challenged me in a way that no one ever dared, he was my lesson. My lesson learnt: never fall for a bad boy, because real bad boys don't catch real good girls, they don't catch anything  really, especially not feelings.  But I think sometimes you need people like Ace to come in your life,  and ruin the fairytale dream you'd been living to be able to see reality clearer. But good thing for me,  I wear my glasses, now and I can see perfectly fine.

My dad says that he's going to Florida for a while,  that he thinks it would be best if he got out the state to clear his mind from all of the craziness  that I never mentioned or cleared him in fully on. He said that I should go with him and practice my studies and maybe I could go to community college there next summer, but I can't see how I can possibly just leave my mother behind. I'm all she has left and its all my fault. She is actually dating again though, which is odd and uncomfortable seeing as how she always brings her dates home to get my stamp of approval but the truth is she's happy and if she is, well then im happier. 

I don't know how much longer I will be able to stay here because the longer I'm here it feels like the longer I'm waiting for something  that's  never going to happen and it's only hurting me more.  Because everything  reminds me of them. No matter where I go and who I'm with everything  leads back to them. The police had been circling around our neighborhood like crazy and I heard one of my old classmates has went missing and I don't know what to think.

"Mom what would you do if I left to go with dad, for the summer?" I ask genuinely curious. I had to know she would be okay. My mom looks up from the tanning  chair she's sitting in outside with a huge strawed hat on her head, sipping  a drink. She coughs sitting up placing her drink down obviously not expecting  such a sudden question. She sighs and looks up at me slightly red from the sun.

"I would say you've been moping around this house for the last few months and as much as it pains me to say this I think it would be in your best intentions if you did  get as far away from here as possible. You don't belong  in a small town Jinx you never did. Go find yourself  the world's waiting for you to make your mark. " I smile but It doesn't feel right on my face yet so I allow it to fall.
  "What about you?"

She rolls her eyes and waves me off slurpin her during through her straw.  "I'll be just fine.  Now you best to get packing your dad leaves tomorrow."

And with that I do. I never planned on coming back.  That was the thing,  once you  start running  from your old life you don't stop.

I guess all love stories don't always work out and that's just it,  but
I am forever grateful to be In the Gang Leaders Dept.


The end

The journey of IAGLD ends here you guys😩😩 it's been a long ride but you can take off your seat belts now and please pay you 20 dollar fee.

For now at least!?!

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