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Yang's P.O.V

I was walking by myself as I looked down at the ground and trying to think of where to go. I left Ruby by herself at the place where Winter was 'Hurt'. I feel like she would have to wouldn't be ready with herself about getting Weiss. I couldn't do this and fight whatever I was gonna fight with Ruby. I need to keep safe for her. This will just hurt her. I remember that Winter did tell us a good amount of directions. 

I was walking around in the forest as then I felt a breeze from behind me. I stopped myself from walking any further and tried to think about what is trying to get my attention. I made a fist as I heard my knuckles crack and I had to wait for this forest to become quiet. I knew I had to be close to this place where they had taken Weiss. I feel so close to it, but I couldn't let that thing get me distracted from getting Weiss. I kept walking until I definitely heard whatever this thing that was just going around and annoying me. I heard a few leaves behind me as they were just giving away the position. I quickly turned around threw my fist, shooting and giving the shot more of a straight edge towards whatever was trying to get to me.

When I shot in that direction, I saw that a shadow came from my shot and landed near me and turned into a person. But a person with a mask. I could tell it was a girl as it had its long black hair going down it's back. Just like-

"Come on!" The girl from the shadows said before pulling out a katana. That was also made of shadows. She looked over at me before laughing a bit and dashing towards me. I blocked her strike with my gauntlet before shooting a shell towards her stomach and making her back away from me. 

She made shadows come from behind her and rush towards me. One of them tried to sweep me with the sword, but I jumped and fired down at it, making a dent into the earth. I looked at it as another jumped off of the fallen shadow and tackled me down. I coughed a bit before rolling to the side and shooting a shot to blow her away once more. I had to only get her out of my hair. Killing her would be a way to end this, But I don't want to worry about something else on my conscience. I watched her get away as she only had a shadow block us off.

 I ran away from her as I would try my best to get away from her. She wasn't who I wanted to fight, so there would be no point to waste my energy on someone on her. I ran through the forest as I hit any trees that were in the way. That's when it hit me. I stopped and noticed that she was a bit far away. I turned to a different direction and started to shoot over there. This should make her lose my trail. I quickly ran up to a tree to hide inside of it, keeping quiet before seeing the shadow girl come from where she was chasing me, before looking over and starting to run where I wanted her to go.

I watched her run before sighing and getting down and out of the tree. I looked a bit past the trees and started to see some lights in the distances. Like the ones that would give off where a club would be at...

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