"Woah slow down tiger." Logan looks at me worriedly but did I listen nope, I glance at Jason for a swift moment with my mouth full and he was having a strange expression. Even with that face he looked so sexy it was so hard for me to function my body properly so without thinking and chewing I swallowed down the food causing me to choke flapping my arms like a little bird learning how to fly. Everybody got off from their seat and Jason helped me drink the water.

"Oh my god she's going to die." Dumb yells having a horrified look.

"Call the ambulance. Call 911." Dumber panics in a high pitched voice. Curly slaps the back of their head to shut them up as I stare at Greek god who's holding the bottle for me as he stares back at me. I have to say this is one of the most embarrassing and hot day for me.




I lay on the bed waiting for Jason to have the talk he was talking about. I think about all the things that has happened to me which revolves around Jason the great. I actually think I was pretty strange today or should I say I am usually like that when I am around him. How I blush easily around him, how I love the feeling when he calls me princess and when he holds me close and kiss me goodnight. I smile thinking our body close in this exact bed, his face on the crook of my neck and the neck kisses he give me when he thinks I'm fast asleep. My hand involuntarily traces the place he loves to kiss me, a ghostly smile appear on my face.

The sound of door opening and closing snap me out of my world. I see Jason coming inside the room looking a little tired while I smile so brightly that it puts all the lights in shame. He looks at me and gives a strange confused look.

"You alright princess." He ask me worriedly. I then think why am I smiling so much than nod my head.

"Yes I am, I guess."

"You guess? You aren't even sure if you are OK or not." He walks towards me and sat on the bed his back facing me and arms stretched towards me as he look at ceiling.

"I don't know. I'm just feeling a little strange."

"Strange? About what?" He look at me and I can't help but stare at him then open my stupid mouth.

"You." As soon as the word left I clamped my mouth shut with my hand while Jason looked at me cutely tilting his face.


"Umm... Ah.... Do you like Logan?" Jason looked at me strangely before answering.

"Is that even a question? Of course I do." My eyes turned wide and jaws hit the ground at his reply. "We've practically known each other all our lives and he is like a brother to me. So isn't it obvious that I like him?" I closed both my eyes and jaws at the last part and smiled at him.

"Of course I know you guys are like brother but--" Jason raised his brow while I did some kind of weird hand gesture trying to think how am I supposed to explain him. "You know... Do.. you.. like.. ummm.."

"Princess? Just say it whatever you want to say."

"OK.. the thing is..." He nodded for me to continue. "Do you love Logan more than a brother?" He gave me a confused look then I took a big sigh and asked him straight forward.

"Are you gay or something? It's not that I mind or something but-- but--"

"Woah woah.. Hold up. What makes you think that princess?"

"No it's just that you and--- Is Logan gay?" I tilted my head frowning.

"No!!! That's what I think because if he was I'm sure he'd tell us." I nodded my taking everything before he asked me something making me tense. "Anyways why are you asking me this?"

"Because you and Logan----" I massaged my neck a little groaning struggling to answer and praying that he get that I don't want to answer.

"Me and Logan what?"

"Umm... ahhh..... you know we have been living under the same roof for more than a week. And I always see you and Logan together whether you have to go work on a mission or kitchen you two are always together. So...." I avoided any kind of eye eye contact with Jason as I finished saying whatever I had to say.

"So you thought that we as in me and Logan might be in LOVE or something." He said quoting the L word while I nodded sheepishly suddenly finding the wall on my side very fascinating.

"Don't tell the way you behaved at dinner was also because.... Oh My god!!!" I turned my head towards him in a flash to see him smirking at me. "Was the princess jealous of my closeness with Logan?" He asked as I stare at him astound.

"You were jealous weren't you?" I quickly compose my self and scoffed in response.

"Oh please me and jealous."

"So you weren't jealous?" I felt his hot breath hitting the side of my face.


"That's strange because your flushed face tell me something else." My eyes got wide at his response. I quickly covered my face with my hands and started scurrying away in the bathroom. I heave out a sigh of relief after I closed the door and headed to the sink. I look at my flushed face in the mirror, I cupped my cheeks with my hands and let out a big sigh.

"Was I really jealous of Logan and Jason's bond?" I slapped my cheeks hard and shook my head. "No, No No Abigail Manhattan you weren't. Like why would you be jealous of your kidnapper's friendship with his gang members? There's no way I can be jealous of their relationship..... right?" I looked at my reflection in uncertainty.

The Gangleader's Little PrincessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang