Trapped (Chapter 10)

Start from the beginning

He loved her, and he had to do everything in his power to save her—which meant that he had to finally turn the APC back around and head in the right direction.

In less than four hours, she would be out of his grasp, and the pain of the realization rocked him to the core.

He would have to go back out into the world and continue fighting for his country, all while fighting off thoughts of her—distracting thoughts that would, no doubt, jeopardize his safety. One split second of daydreaming—of indulging in a beautiful memory—could end his life, and he now looked forward to the other possibilities life held with a fervor he hadn't felt since graduating high school.

A life with Serena—that's what he wanted more than anything, and all the kids that came with it.

All this time, he had figured he would find a way to get over her once they went their separate ways as he'd had to do with pretty much every relationship throughout his life, but when she finally let him kiss her, an explosion went off inside of him—and her—as the feel of her supple lips and warm, inviting mouth and probing tongue overwhelmed him.

The thing that he had been gunning for, she gave to him willingly, happily, and deliciously. And all he wanted was more.

He didn't think that it was possible to desire her more than he had, but every time he thought his desire for her had reached its peak, it tripled, and he needed to find a new way to claim her.

He felt a need for her almost like oxygen, and he wondered if he was past relief.

Would he ever get enough of Serena Moss?

She had never taken his best friend's last name, but maybe someday, she'd take his.

* * *

Serena squinted at the bright lights suddenly assaulting her, and she couldn't tell who had grabbed her out of the back of the APC.

Armed bodies surrounded her and the vehicle, and she couldn't make out any faces, the light almost blinding her.

She was rushed along and tried to find Steven's body among the silhouettes of others.

Surely he was right behind her or somewhere close by?

As the terrain shifted and she realized that she was now inside of a building of sorts, the lights changed, and her eyes slowly adjusted to them, but the flurry of bodies still made it hard to see—some with surgical masks, others in military gear.

She still saw no sign of Steven and her heartbeat quickened further.

As she was whisked away for what she assumed was a routine check, she remembered Steven's desire to impregnate her, and she wondered if the doctors would be able to tell if he had succeeded.

Her hand instinctively went to her stomach.

"Do you know this survivor, Steve?" she heard a female voice say. "Is she anything to you?"

Serena's heart raced and she whipped her head around to visually locate Steven, and she saw him standing casually in the open doorway, his eyes intently on her.

His mouth held a slight smile.

She felt a rush of emotion pass through her at the sight of him, and she wanted nothing more than to embrace him, but she knew that she had to stay in place while the doctors did their work.

"That's my woman," Steven said as he headed toward her, and Serena noticed several eyebrows in the room rise. "And she's everything to me. So you guys better take care of her while I'm gone—I'm coming back for her." He paused about a foot away from her. "You hear that, Serena?" Then he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Give us a second, Em," he said to the main person who had been checking her out.

'Em' stood a few feet back and was barely out of the way before Steven was kissing her hungrily, as if he had no shame, no care in the world, and wasn't aware of all the pairs of eyes now staring at them.

Serena accepted his mouth on hers greedily.

When he pulled away, he said, "I will do everything in my power to come back to you."

A wave of déjà vu hit Serena and fear rocked her.

"Do you really have to go?" she asked, holding on to his hands.

"You know I have to—I'm one of few who can safely take the Morphs down while combing for survivors, and I already told you why."

Serena hung her head, still not wanting to accept it.

Stop being selfish, she told herself. Think of all those people out there who...

"There's something else I guess you should know before I head back out there," he said, and the look in his eye had changed.

Serena's heart felt like it had stopped.

"I'm no longer a carrier," he began, "not since the first and only ten minutes of being infected." Then his voice lowered to a whisper as he brought his mouth to her ear. "I am Patient Zero," he said, and then backed away to let Em continue her work.

Serena knew her mouth was hanging open.

How dare he leave her like that? What did he mean? She had so many questions!

As she started working her mouth to ask them, a brawny, dark-headed guy in military gear said, "Steve, let's go," and before she knew it, Steven had been whisked away to who-knew-where.

But before he disappeared from her sight, Serena caught a look on his face—a look of such love and anguish before his expression melted into a brilliant, reassuring smile—that she knew in her gut it wasn't an ending for them at all; it was merely the beginning.





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