Trapped (Chapter 2)

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Steven had had his share of battles and wars. He had stared down death in the midst of gunfire, and he had taken leaps of faith from many military helicopters. He had battled enemies—human and otherwise—as a part of his life since leaving high school for the Army and beyond, but the internal battle waged when Serena opened her door to him rocked him like no other.

Steven experienced the full range of human emotions as he knew them separately all at once: relief and joy to find Serena alive, dismay and horror at her changed appearance, tenderness and care for her wellbeing, immense hatred and anger toward the forces behind the cause of it, and a deep compassion and regret for the terrible news he had to give her at some point. And underneath it all was something he didn't want to acknowledge yet again, something he had worked hard to suppress for almost three years. Plus, there was something else—something he couldn't quite put words to—like a happy dread he couldn't risk examining at the moment.

He shook off his warring emotions and refocused, and as much as he wanted to, he dared not touch Serena in case hugging her brought all of his emotions back—despite how happy he was to see her alive.

He had to get her to safety.

They had to leave San Diego and get to the safe base that had been communicated to him, fast.

* * *

As they hit the open, outside air, Steven continued clearing the way in his practiced manner, and then, before Serena could register the meaning of the quick positioning of his left arm, a shot rang out.

Serena was so struck by the 'car' Steven was leading them to that she almost didn't notice the bluish-gray body fall as a circle of dirty red appeared on its forehead.

She marveled that the shock of the sight of the military vehicle almost equaled that of seeing someone who was once human get shot in the head.

"We have to kill them all if we're going to survive as a race," Steven said as he put the Glock away, still holding the rifle with his right hand.

It took Serena a second to realize he meant the human race rather than his white race.

She tried not to look at the fallen body near what looked like a tank.

"This is your car?" she said in a failed effort to fully distract herself from what had just happened, unable to keep her eyes from darting to the motionless body near it.

"Are you really surprised?" Steven said, still not looking at her—too busy with his continued assessment of the open area.

She knew that she shouldn't have been surprised at all.

Of course a guy like him would have access to the military's equipment. He was military equipment.

Still, she couldn't help her shock.

"It's an APC," he said.


"Armoured personnel carrier."

Finally, Steven seemed to relax a bit as his arms fell and he headed for the body he had dropped, dragging it away from the vehicle. Then he lit a match and set the body on fire.

Serena stared, her mouth hanging open.

"The APC's loaded with supplies," Steven said, coming back toward her as if nothing had happened. "It'll be a bit tight and stuffy back there, but I think it'll have all you need. For now, anyway."

Serena watched the body burning in the distance, the growing flames engulfing it licking the air.

"Burning them ensures that the virus doesn't get to pass on," Steven said, joining her in watching the captivating flames.

Trapped (Part One) - BWWM Dark Romance - Zombie ApocalypseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora