"I'm ready babe."

"um, your gonna need a bag."

"of what?"

"ill come and help you."


we finish packing the backpack with a blanket, granola bars, water, and he wanted me to bring my makeup wipes. we are now waiting outside for elton to show. soon a large car pulls up in front of us. colby puts the backpack into the back and we get in. I see Amanda in the front and sam and Corey in the back, we climb in to the seats behind sam.

"Sam, I thought to were with Kat?"

"I was, until Elton texted me and I just went to his house."

"Oh ok, speaking of, where are we even going Elton?" I say, I buckling my seatbelt.

"Ok, so we are gonna by somewhere too shoot a video. We are staying there over night."

"I've gotten that much but where."

"An abandoned mall." He states, eyes not leaving the road.

"Oh oka- WAIT A WHAT!"

"Babe, it's ok, it's for a video." Colby states trying to calm me down.


"She does have a point." Sams chuckles.

"calm down, i will protect you." colby states.

"ok, im clam now."

car drive 8:10

We parked the car and now we were walking around to find our way in. we make our way to a high up place, but not quite as high as the roof. sam and elton both had out their cameras, while the rest of us had flashlights.

"guys, i think i found the door." corey states, pointing to a metal panel. we all walk over as elton pushes it open, letting the darkness spill out of the opening. I flash my light into the dark, it lights up barley anything as the darkness was taking over.

"ok, who wants to go first?" corey asked nervously.

"I will." elton replies, his voice full of confidence, as he doesn't get scared easily. he pushed the door open some more and walks in, Corey follows, along with sam and colby, and soon amanda. i stand there, terrified. colby notices I'm not with the group an turns around.

"come on, i will protect you." colby states holding out his hand. i walk and grab it, squeezing it like my life depended on it, he didnt seem to mind. we hold up or flash lights and shine them around. the place seem erie.

8:30 pm

we have been exploring for about 20 minutes and i feel as if we are going in circles. suspension gripped hold of us as we moved in the large space. the city was unsettling, silence filled the streets. the entire mall was like a ghost town, it was silent but very step we took was loud enough to fill the place. we were all on edge as we kept hearing noises.


"thats it, I'm leaving!" corey turns around. we all stop walking, as corey was about to flip a lid.

"corey, you are not leaving unless you want to stand by the car all night or walk home." elton replies, facing the camera to him, corey goes silent.

"elton this was not a good idea to come back here." amanda speaks up.

"we got 100k likes, we had to-"

"no we really didn't elton." corey almost yells.

"look we have footballs, and penny boards, if you want we can set up camp for the night and play some catch. but no one is leaving."

"fine. sam, unpack the tent." corey sighs, now calm. sam and i set up the tent and i lay out the sleeping bags. the boys we now happy, playing catch and riding around on the penny boards, amanda and i sat down on the ground, eating some granola bars that i had brought.

"honestly, I'm still scared." i say.

"me too, but of course we cant leave because mr doesn't get scared over here, docent want to leave." she laughs, referring to elton.

"yeah, he says this is fun but he won't say that when we either get killed bu someone in here or get arrested for trespassing." we both laugh, i wipe the tears from laughing as i realized, i was wearing makeup. i grab my backpack and takeout the wipes.

"did you seriously wear makeup?" she chuckles.

"ahah yeah, i wanted to look cute but at that time i didn't know where we were going, thankfully colby told me to bring my wipes just in case," i wipe the makeup off my face and throw the wipe in the small plastic bag we had for trash.


amanda had fell asleep while the rest of us just hung out.

*bang, bang* please no bang bang song jokes here thanks lmao

corey shoots up along with sam and amanda.

"ok, i think we need to get moving soon." corey panics.

"calm down, bak up the stuff and we will move to the roof." elton starts to pack the tent and sleeping bags. everything gets packed up and we are now walking again. i once agin, become super scared and i rush up to hold colbys hand again, as it made me feel better.

"are you ok princess?" he looks down at me.

"yeah, just kinda on edge."

"i think we all are, but we will be okay." he kisses my temple.

"ewwww!!" sam walks over with the camera and faces it at us.

"shut up, you have a girlfriend too! this better not be in the video, we aren't official yet!" colby warns.

"it won't!" we all laugh when a voice yells.


i immediately get freaked out, so does corey and amanda. colby seems and bit shocked as so was sam.

"ok, yeah, we need to get to the roof." corey says, we all start running.


to be continued...

sorry i didn't update when i said i would but I've had a really stressful week, especially thus past couple of days. lets just say i have cried a lot and its all over a concert, but I'm getting pit tickets on saturday (hopefully so send good luck) and yeah. i hope a long chapter makes up for it tho! also sorry if there is any mistakes its like 2 am right now and i need to get this part out so no time for checking it lmao.

also i see that there is people from around the world reading the so, comment where you are from ;)

hahah let me know what you think and remember to comment, vote and share.

much love always


Behind the camera // Colby brockWhere stories live. Discover now