Unknown. Chapter 15

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I didn't know the city I was in nor the road I took but I did know that the cops were heavier here. My path was stopped when I collapsed in an alleyway behind a bar. Perfect.

"Hey missy. You need help there?" A female called out, English accent and all. I turned my head as best to see a black haired woman, not older than I. Her dark eyes searched mine then darted up towards the entrance. It made me wonder where she had come from.

"No." I say sharply. She then reaches out with one hand.

???'s POV

I reached out the the girl who was bleeding out, holding a bloody knife in her hand like it was nothing. She wasn't a pasta. Not with how she looked up at me with (e/c) eyes. She was a fighter, not a killer.

"I said-" She began but I smiled.

"I know. I'm pretty sure your followers won't mind me taking their prize?" I ask her and lean unevenly to her level without bending my legs. Her eyes widen and she tried to get up.

"Oh, my name is-" I tried but she swung her knife before I could finish. The metal ran along my neck, my blood splattering around.

"I said no!" She said a little louder. Then she ran away while I convulsed a few times. Of course, I didn't die. I just wiped away the blood and let it heal itself.

"Huh... defense to kill. Forgot about that." I mutter than get up, walking to follow her while I changed into a more suitable outfit. I kinda looked like The Arrow when I was done, black themed though. A hood over my head, a crossbow in hand and I was running on the rooftops next to her. She was frantic, carefully watching her surroundings but she was a new face, in my city she was lost.

I had to stand back a ways to not be seen by the tall creature known as Slenderman. I aimed at the lamp post next to her and shot a wire to pull us both out. Well... her out.

A whirring sound came to as I swung down to her, clicking a hook on her waist and sending her away, leaving me with him and a few proxy. I grinned then shot at her again, pulling myself to catch her like Spiderman. Once I was within reach, I pulled her over my shoulder, knocking her out in the process. My apartment wasn't far but it seemed that way with the smaller teen in my arms. I had taken back alley ways to get where I was living. Not out of place but a place.

"Wake up." I order to the sleeping girl now on my couch, stitched up. Her eyes flutter open, confused until she looked at me.

"Okay. Before you ask, I'm not dead. No one can kill me." I explain, leaving out a few things on purpose. I mean, I can die but why should I say that?

"R-Right.... Where am I?" Was her first question. I sighed and walked to the kitchen for a drink.

"Right now, in the city of Bloodrose. And you are in my house; on my couch. So don't try anything." I warn her a I go back with a shot of Fireball in a glass. I sipped it as I saw the thoughts almost hidden behind her eyes.

"And no, I don't work with them. If that's what you're wondering. I won't kill you either. Not my job." I mutter the last part as I sit in a chair to watch her.

"You know who's after me?" another question.

"Who doesn't? I know what they are. What they do. No worries." I chirp to her and throw my glass at the wall, breaking it but also opening the door I had there to show her my way.

"Who are you?" she then asked, I stared at her before laughing and shaking off some of my outfit, mainly the hood.

"Call me Cupid." I tell her as I pick up my bow and a few arrows. I also pull out my twin swords and hooked them in place on my back in their places, the sheath.

"As in the angel of love?" The girl asked, getting up and testing her knife. I put a blade up my sleeves as well as one in my boots. She wore similar ones with knife in the toes. Very useful for defence and climbing.

"Yep. The name I want is taken," I reply then turn to her again, stretching a little. Her eyes still wandered the room.

"You are going to be bait. That is, if you want to show your level of power to the Pasta." I smirk as her eyes widen. I didn't give her a choice.


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