Stalker? Chapter 2

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The mansion looked more alive, now that I knew one of them had seen me. It was a new challenge. My shadow was dark behind me as I stood in front of it, looking like a normal girl. Normally, If I wanted to steal something, I would have my bag and tight but flexible clothing and a mask that only covered my nose and mouth. Even a voice modifier just in case. My hair would be up in a braid and under a hood. No curves were shown so it would be hard to take me for a girl at first glance but today I was an obvious girl with a shirt, my hair down and jeans. I still had my serrated knife but it was hooked against my stomach with my shirt.

"I wonder... if someone lives there?" I ask, making it seem like I was innocent as I walked up to the doors, knocking on them loudly.

"HELLO~! IS SOMEONE THERE?" I ask, more so shouting. I went to knock a second time but the door opened under my touch. I thought it strange. So I pushed it open, darkness in the familiar place. I had to pretend I had no idea what happened.

"Hello? I think your door is broken! Is anyone there?" I call out, looking into the living room, seeing the window already fixed like it was never broken. But the consoles were still gone.

"That's a huge TV.... I wish I had that.... But whoever lives here deserves it more." I mutter and walk over to the shelves of games and books. Each of them arranged differently. My hands brushed over the books in love as I loved to read when I didn't have to steal something.

"Excuse me?" A male called out and I jumped turning sharply. I met a male, with dark hair, sideswept and dark eyes, tired. I raised my hands up in surrender to bring my act up.

"S-Sorry! The door was open a-and I thought I-I..." I stuttered, a little scared of this male from yesterday. He had chased Mara and I. The hooded one.

"Oh... well could you leave? I've had a really bad day." He yawned, then motioned to the door. I nodded, slipping a book from the shelf than darting out the door. He waved to me and I did the same, holding the book behind me until he shut the door. I wanted to play a game... I wanted to get to know them and steal while knowing them... Play until they notice and disappear soon after.

I went back that night, dressed up in normal clothing. I scaled the wall up to the gamers room again. I noticed he was awake this time as his breathing was different. I stood over him for a second then picked up an xbox remote. I went over to the window and opened it for my escape.

"I know you're awake... just sit up and face me." I growl, my voice going low in the modifier. And he does, turning over and looking at me with almost glowing red eyes. I didn't flinch, nor escape yet.

"How did you know?" He asked, I noted his voice was a little scratchy.

"You breathe differently awake than asleep." I tell him. He actually sits up, revealing a green panda shirt.

"Stalker much?" He asked, playful. I shrugged, backing up against the window sill.

"Habit. Also I'm taking this. Like everything else in this house. And I'm leaving now." I chirp then fall backwards out of the third story window, the boy getting up as I land on my feet skillfully. I bow then hold up the controller.

"Give that back!" He shouted and I waved a finger up to him.

"This is my reward!" I shout back, my real voice bouncing into the modified voice. It mixed nicely.

"Reward for what?!" He asked, still wanting the device.

"MY DINNER!" I shout back then run off, watching him fume from a certain point in the forest. I smiled and pulled down the mask with one hand the other still holding my fake prize. My gloved hands ran over the piece carefully then I snuck back as each light turned on with my mask up yet again. His room wasn't hard to get to but he wasn't there so I'd have to leave a note.

'Dear boy whose name I don't know,

I don't actually want this. I need

something of more value.

Until next time~'

I wrote and place the note and controller of his bed. After that, I managed to get away even with people looking for me. Mika asked where I went but I didn't tell her.


Thief (CreepypastaXReader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora