Cheesecake. Chapter 12

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"Again with the cheesecake?" Grinny asked and I almost spit my bite from shock.

"Grinny! Stop sneaking up on me! That's my job!" I hiss, looking at him when he jumped to the counter. His collar caught my attention again.

"I'm sorry I'm a cat. Would you like it better in my human form?" He chided and suddenly the cat turned into a black hair, red eyes male wearing black sweats and a red tank top. I scoffed at him and continue to eat, stealing glances at the tones male who I hardly believed he was a cat. But the diamond collar told me differently. And he still sat on the counter.

"Oh my god... Get off the counter! I eat there!" I scold him as I wave my knife to shoo him. He smirks and jumps down, being taller than me. My eyes watched him carefully when he went behind me, lacing his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my head.

"W-... What the hell are you doing?" I ask, confused by why he was hugging me. He sighed, then stole my plate and ran.

"NO!" I yelp, giving chase to the damn bastard who stole my food. He was able to avoid me when I let him. I could've taken​ back my things but he wanted to see me smile.

"GIVE IT BACK!" I yell and lunge at him. He smirks then leaps over me, going back the way we had just came, down the stairs he went. I growled and panted.

"Come get it then!" He shouted and I stared at him from the top of the stairs. He ducks into the dining room so I follow. Searching for him when I see my plate on the table. I crept forwards, looking at the cheesecake piece still there. My eyes narrowed as I glanced around. Nothing was out of place...

I reached out and touched it carefully before picking it up. I inspected the small pastry before walking towards the kitchen and picking out a fork. I ate a few bites then wandered back out only to notice I hadn't really cut such a big piece.

"Wait... who else eat- oh no... the proxy... Eh it's mine now." I calm myself down as I sit at the table to eat, still wondering where Grinny was.

"So you gave up?" He said behind me and I jumped. Again.

"Yep." I smirk and turn, mid-bite as I glanced up at him. I reached towards my plate but he pulled it away. His red eyes searched mine.

"Gimme." I say in a childish voice. He shakes his head. I didn't give him a choice or a reaction when I took my plates, both of them and jumped onto the table, darting to the opposite side with ease.

"Sorry." I chirp and finish both plates quickly for the first time. He raises an eyebrow. Within seconds I was behind him, my hands hold his arms behind his back.

"Thief. Remember that." I chide then watch him transform back into the cat he was normally in.

"Noted. Now clean up. I don't want you to be found. I'm sure we've caught some attention-" He began but I was already at kitchen door with my dishes.

"Yep. I know." I wink then clean my stuff before running out and almost going up the stairs. Almost.

A metal pipe connected with my head when I rounded the corner, sending me to the ground with a cry of pain. I wasn't knocked out thankfully but I wish I was.

"WHO THE F*CK DID THAT!? WHY THE F*CK DID YOU DO THAT!? WHY ME!?" I shout, feeling blood on my hands. It was like a headache and a truck in one.

I felt the blood blind me in one eye as I glared up at Hoodie. He took a step back when I pulled out my knife.

"THAT HURT YOU LITTLE B*TCH!" I yell then lunge at him with everything I had. I stop myself though and just kick him where the sun doesn't shine. I fall down as he does.

"Hurts doesn't it?" I ask but then pass out.

Thief (CreepypastaXReader)Where stories live. Discover now