Crayons. Chapter 11

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After a few minutes I was back in my home, alone. I thought heavily on going back.

"Ah screw it... I die; I die. My fault." I mutter and pull my leggings on and pull my hair up. I snuck to a house, stealing the jeweled collar from the safe and a different shirt. I changed and threw my old shirt away. I went through the house, finding small trinkets to lock pick and to keep for fun.

"Adieu." I whisper then jump out of the balcony window and wander back into the forest where the mansion lay in waiting. I walked right up to the front door and opened it slowly.

No one there but the lights were on, the living room being my go to. I found my outfit under the couch. My hands slipped on the familiar mask and I smiled.

"Hurry. I've stalled them for the moment!" Grinny called to me so I ran up the stairs, holding everything and jumping up into the opening to my little attic space. I changed into the outfit as the sounds of opening doors erupted.

"GRINNY!" His name rang out like a wildfire spreading in the dry forest. He leapt down and I followed quietly.

"Yes~?" He called out, The clown, Laughing Jack being the closest when I pulled out the jeweled collar and latching it on his neck, turned to us. He took a step forward while I held my hands up in surrender.

"Don't-" Grinny began but I heard barking from behind LJ. My face lit up and I yanked down the mask and darted past the clown.

"SMILE!" I yelping in happiness as he attacked me, licking my face. Once he got off me I pet him before looking back at the confused clown.

"Oh... right..." I mumble then pull my small mask up and draw my knife I had found with my set. Smile growled at LJ, sending surprised looks towards him from each of us.

"Um.... Smile, heel." I order and he backs up a little. I focus on the tall clown who seemed to be tall as well.

"Well this will be fun." LJ growled. I avoided his gaze.

"I don't want to fight." I say lowly, the voice modifier making it sound demonic. I wince and just pull down the thing.

"Sounds like you really want to." He retorted, flashing me a devious row of sharp teeth.

"No. Seriously. It's not that I won't. It's because I can't." I inch towards him, hoping to get past him.

"So you want to fight?" he asked, suddenly confused.

"N-No! What part of 'I can't' do you not get?" I say, putting a hand on my hip. I could feel the gears in his head turning.

"Then... Why can't you?" He asked, as if he suddenly wasn't sure. I stare at him with a blank face.

"Are you an idiot?" I ask, forgetting for a moment it's not just us.

"W-Well I-I j-just-" He began to stutter, a light pink blush appeared in his cheeks.

"I'm hungry idiot. I don't fight when I'm hungry. And also you're part immortal." My voice was still light when I spoke. He blinked a few times. Then groaned heavily.

"I'm done. Someone else kill her. I'm too confused." He yelled then turned and walked away.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I ask and actually run up to him. He looks at me with icy blue eyes.

"What's so confusing?" I ask, genuinely confused by him and his actions.

"You." He said then went silent. I couldn't give the right emotion.

"I...- What the f*ck. H-How do you not understand? I literally told you to kill me. You are the crayon in the knife box right now! You've got the color but have no idea why the hell you're in with the knives." I growl sarcastically and he chuckles.

"That's one way to put it." He said then entered his room, flashing me a smile before closing the door.

I blinked a few times.

"I admit that was the best burn I've heard in a while." Ben's voice said behind me so I turned to him, yanking up my mask quickly.

"Don't worry. I've seen your face, remember?" He chided easily as the thoughts of me killing Mika ran in my head.

"Right... You didn't mind me killing those people?" I ask once I move my mask back down.

"We kill for a living. It's not unusual for us." he replied, blood dripping from his eyes. I nodded then went to the stairs.

"I wouldn't go down yet... Slender is a little mad at you for breaking the window again." He told me but I shrugged, silently going down the stairwell in into the dining room. I pushed open the kitchen door and smiled at the empty place.

"Grinny? You here?" I ask, looking for the animal. I then noticed smile was gone as well. Cheerfully I picked up and apple and bit it, chewing it quickly as I went to the fridge and opened that door.

"Cheesecake!" I whisper and I take out a fresh, unsliced cheesecake and look it over. Nothing more than a plain cheesecake. I took out a plate and my knife before cutting a decent sized piece. I used a fork, which was unlike me while downstairs, and enjoyed the small moment of happiness.

AN: choose a character. Choose a freakin CP to end with. I know you read this. I need to finish it somehow... So until I at least get one ending(choosing) I won't update anything. Sorry for the wait but it is what it is. (6/4)

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