Chapter 11: "I'm scared of hiding"

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  Tessa's P.O.V

I was so scared I don't know why maybe that the fact the kids first full moon is tomorrow. Derek came in the master bedroom. "Are they starting to ask questions?" I asked him. "Yeah," he said. "I have no idea what to even say to them. I don't know what to do. I have no idea how you're mother did it." I exclaimed. "Just lie down with me and we'll figure it out." Derek said while falling back on the bed. "You're not worried even a little?" I asked him. "No, no, I'm not actually... you need to stop worrying." Derek said. I laid close to him I heard my door open it was Talia and Jacob. "I'm scared, mommy." Jacob says. "Me too." Talia says. Jacob and Talia ended up sleeping in our room with us. "Okay Talia, this is where I could use some guidance." I say in my mind.

"You are worrying too much, they will smell it the vault as the taslime you need to teach them how to control there shift... that vault is yours too you're a Hale now... so you need to go get that taslime, there's two of them one for each child." Talia exclaimed. "Now good luck Tessa." She says. I get up from the bed I see Derek on the bed asleep with the two children. I sneak out and go to the school I go to the first entrance I get out my claws and I put him in where Derek would. The It opened for the first time I looked down and started to walk down the stairs. I found the taslima's two of them. I get back in the truck put the lock on the vault.

When I go back home Derek knew I was gone Derek opened the door. "I was worried, where'd you go?" He asked. "I went to the vault to get something." I say. "Talia's been talking to you hasn't she?" He asked. "Yeah, she said to get the taslima's that you used to control the shift." I say, while showing the two taslima's.

It was time the full moon was up I couldn't get this worrying to stop. "Talia and Jacob come in here in the living room." I yell. "Momma, what's going on?" Jake asked. "Daddy and I got to tell you some stuff." I say. "What's going on, Daddy?" Talia asked. "Just sit down, sweetheart." He says. "Are you okay?" Derek asked. "I know what to do." I say. I shifted in front of the kids they were amazed. "Derek, hand Talia the Taslima's and one to Jacob." I say through mind-link. I heard cars surrounding me oh now is not the time for hunters.

Derek told me get the kids to the vault if we would make it back in time to get him. "Derek, what's going on?" I asked. "Just get the kids their don't look back, I love you." He says. "Don't say that, their hunters... Derek... what are you going to do! I can't lose you." I say. "Just go... I love you and don't look back." He ordered. I heard gunshots. "Talia, Jacob, come with me." I say. "Mommy." They say. "Derek, don't die on me okay I need you our kids need you." I say, while kissing goodbye. "Just promise don't look back, when you get to the vault call Scott." He says. "Okay." I say. 

When we got to the vault I unlocked the it when we went down their. "Why was Daddy saying don't look back." Talia asks. "Just come here kids, he was keeping us safe I need to call Uncle Scott. Okay." I say. I got out my cell phone and called him. 

Scott: "Are you  okay?"

Me: "Not really, the kids first full moon and it turns out the hunters from Mexico was coming back for Derek... I'm in the Hale vault... Scott I'm scared of hiding... I worry non stop." 

Scott: "What did Derek tell you?" 

Me: "He told me to take the kids here and not look back. I'm scared I have no idea how many days we will be here." 

Scott: "You got Talia and Jake their right?" 

Me: "Yes." 

Scott: "Okay, so just do what Derek told you to do not look back." 

Me: "I have to know's if he's alive, Scott... I'm scared." 

Scott: "Just stay their okay, sis... we will look for Derek." 

Author's Note: "Cliff hanger.... don don don."     

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