Part 23 : "You're the best shoe tier I've ever had."

Start from the beginning

Her facial expression get's even angrier and I have to stop myself from laughing because I would spit it out all over Kesten. That wouldn't really be a problem, shit it'd be hilarious, but I'm gonna use the tiny amount of lady-ness I have left.

She starts to come at me and I'm struggling to swallowing the chocolate pudding. Jay is standing, leaning against the archway into the kitchen, smiling at Rae in adoration. This makes me smile before I see how close she is to me.

The pudding is successfully now in my stomach, but I'm sure my face is another story.

Quickly getting behind Kesten, I jump on his back "Alright c'mon... its your turn."

"I like the sound of that." I can hear the smirk in his voice

"Just go!" I yell. I feel him flinch underneath me but he quickly starts to run.

This all happens really fast in a short amount of seconds, I'm surprised she hasn't already gotten to me. Her kitchen is pretty huge though, so...


I groan in my bed shuffling underneath my blankets, not wanting to get up. In my head I keep denying that I have school today.

Someone knocks on my door and I groan loudly.

"I'm gonna take that animal noise as a come in." The familiar voice of my brother fills my ears. "I don't know if you know this, but you were supposed to be up an hour ago," I hear these words and I lazily sit up really fast then snap my head towards my alarm clock.

Shit. I have like ten minutes.

"Soph already left for work, she said she had early shifts this whole week. Also Kesten is downstairs waiting for you. He told me that Rae wasn't going to school today because her and her mom and going to look around some college campuses." He explains.

The bright sunlight makes me flinch my eyes shut. "Thanks little bro." I thank him groggily then get out of my bed.

I walk to my closet automatically with my eyes half closed. I decide to put on some light wash jeans with a white long sleeve crop top. My white and black Nike's are in the corner of my closet so I grab them then put them on.

My eyes are now fully open but burning since I'm really tired. Hanging on the back of my door is my black zip up jacket so I grab it then quickly throw it on, not zipping it, leaving it open.

Walking into the hallway bathroom, I turn on the hot water then pee.

I go back to the sink and add some cold water into it so it's not that hot, then wet my toothbrush before loading some toothpaste into it.

I dry my mouth with my towel hanging on the bathroom door. I bend over then grab all my hair putting it in a high pony.

"Ugh!" I groan to myself then grab my bag. I run down my stairs right past Kesten to the kitchen to grab a banana and a Sunny-D. I walk back into the living room to Kesten and he holds up a Hardee's bag.

"Biscuit." He tells me so I walk right back into the kitchen and put the banana right back where I grabbed it.

"Shoes." I say standing in front of Kesten. Being the sweet amazing asshole he is, he gets down on his knees to tie my shoes. "Yeah, get on your knees for me." My voice is still groggy but not as much as when I woke up.

He looks up at me for a mere second then laughs and I laugh with him. "Shouldn't it be the other way around?" He smirks at me, standing back up.

"Actually, it can go both ways." I wink at him "You're the best shoe tier I've ever had." I smile then kiss his cheek.

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