Chapter 26-what a night

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Chapter 26-what a night

"Aaaannnddddddrrrrrreeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww..." I breathed out.


"I'm bored..."


"Entertain me..."



"Like I said, I'm busy!"

I frowned. I scooted away from him and ran to the kitchen. I hid behind the kitchen wall and smirked at myself. Making him uncomfortable for the longest silence he has ever dealt with.

I heard him sigh, "Um, Emma--"

I played a "BOOOOOM" tone on my phone which caused him to jump. I laughed silently and he ran into the kitchen.

"What the HELL was that?!" He asked.

"Got your attention, FINALLY."

He looked at me intensely. "That sound was only to get me my attention?!"

I laughed. "I'm bored, okay!"

He rolled his eyes and walked back to the living room to "file" something.

"You scared the shit out of me," said Andrew.

"Can't you just entertain me?!" I asked, exclaiming.

"Entertain yourself with your music," Andrew suggested.

Hey, that's a nice idea.

{2 hours later}

"What have I been listening to..." I noted to myself. I threw myself out of the bed and sprinted downstairs. I almost tripped down the stairs and went straight to the mailbox. I know it's weird going outside your house and run towards your mailbox at the middle of the night but I just wanted to check something because you know... I'm bored. Andrew patted my back.

"Fine, let me entertain you," he pulled me inside gently and locked the door behind him. He walked to the TV room and I followed him.

"Don't even laugh, okay?" Andrew asked. I nodded in reply.

He showed me a video of his childhood memories. It's adorable. I liked the part where he was wearing his spiderman suit. He looked so awkwardly adorable there. Then he had his first camera. Then him reading the spiderman comics. I can tell that he was a fan of spiderman, until now... I guess..

Well, that entertained me.


Andrew treating me to starbucks was nice.



"When's the wedding day?"

He stopped walking for a moment. Looked down at the ground. Thinking for a moment and a light bulb appeared upon his head.

"2 weeks from now." Said Andrew.

I nodded and sipped my latte. Andrew turned around, walking backwards. Probably looking fro something.

"What are you looking at?" I asked.


I cocked an eyebrow. "Have enough of your lies, Andrew."

He shook his head and walked like a normal person. We walked towards his car and hopped inside it and drove straight to his parents' house, which is only a few meters away from the mall. And yet, we're far away from the mall. So this might take a while...

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