Chapter 5-moving out

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Williams POV.

"Your moving out?!" I asked shockingly. "You heard me," Emma said.

"I don't like your attitude around Andrew. And I don't want to see Andrew mad." Emma explained.

"You're not moving out." I threatened her. She slapped me in the face and Drago bit my leg. I screamed, "OWWWW!!!!!!" Then they went upstairs. She's pissed.

Emma's POV.

"Think you can stop me?" I muttered as I opened my door and locked it.

"Well, you can't cause I'm a girl and you should respect that!" I yelled. I'm pretty sure he heard it. I grabbed a suitcase, putted all my clothes in there. Then 3 boxes. For my stuff. I grouped the together.

Box #1-
Bathroom Materials.

Box #2-
Folders, Books And Drago's Stuff And My Stuff.

Box #3-
Gadgets, Music, Etc.

I started with my Box #1. I grabbed my toothbrush, towel, my own shampoo. Then Box #2. I grabbed all my folders, my books that I printed and published already. I put Drago's bowl in my box and put all my stuff in Box #2. Then Box #3. I out my speakers, my CDs, then I grabbed my laptop. It's just MacBook Air. So I grabbed a bag and putted it in there. That's its. I lied down in my bed and ate dinner.


My alarm clock rang. I snoozed my alarm clock and stood up from my bed. I walked to my bathroom and I grabbed the last clothes I got in my closet and changed in the bathroom.

A few moments then, I stepped out in my bathroom and called Andrew.

I waited for his answer and he answered, "hello?" His voice was droopy.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up," I said.

"No it's okay.. What do you want?"

"I'm moving out now." I said. I heard him fall off of his bed. I laughed.

"What's going on there?" I laughed.

"Gerald, pushed me off the bed. What time did you pack?"

"Last night."

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes." Then we hung up.

I waited for 5 minutes. Someone knocked on my door. I hurried and opened it, revealing Andrew. Andrew quickly get inside and helps me with the boxes. He grabbed box #3 and I said, "careful, my laptop is in there." I said. He carefully placed it on my bed. He opened the box and grabbed my laptop and put it on my bed. I just grabbed box #1 and I grabbed the bag of my laptop and sling it over my shoulder. Andrew helped me with box #1 and I grabbed the car keys of my car and I hurried to my car. I unlocked the door and I put my laptop in there. I locked my door and went inside. Andrew grabbed box #2 and I grabbed Drago and my suitcase. Andrew's car is a truck now. He has 2 cars. One Porsche and one ford truck. I put Drago inside my car and I popped the trunk. Andrew helped me with my suitcase and put it in the trunk.

"Is that all the stuff?" Andrew asked. "Yup." I said. William walked towards me and I gave him the key. Andrew just glared at him. I tapped his shoulder and I went inside my car. I buckled my seatbelt and started the engine. Andrew got inside his car and he started his engine too. He drove away and I followed him.

"Traffic, traffic, why does it keep on happening?" I asked myself. I saw Andrew with his thumbs up on his car. I just gave him a thumbs down. Haha. He texted me.

I found a shortcut.

do it now!!!

He drove to the left and I followed. Must be a chow cut. I followed Andrew and I saw his block. I stopped in front of his lawn while he just parked his truck to his garage. I grabbed my laptop and opened the door of Drago and he jumped down the car, running towards the door and went inside using the dog way. I closed my door and Drago's door. I opened the trunk, I carried my suitcase to the ground and I closed the trunk. I walked to the porch and I opened the door. Andrew puts the 3 boxes to the ground already.

"You're fast," I said. "I'm strong," Andrew laughed. I laughed. He went straight to the kitchen and walked to the living room with a banana on his hand. He had his last bite and I took it from him.

"You ate my banana!" Andrew said. "I didn't eat any breakfast today." I said. Andrew threw his peel on the trash can and helped me with the stuff.

"Do you have a printer?" I asked. "Yup, why?" Andrew replied.

"I need it for my books." I said. "What books did you already published?" Andrew asked.

"Labyrinth, End Of Our Time, Together Forever, and-" I got cut.

"You wrote 'Together Forever'?" Andrew asked as he walked towards his bookshelf and showed me the book that I published.

"This book, kinda reminds me..." Andrew thought for a while. "Us?" I asked.

"Yup," Andrew said. "Carry on," Andrew said.

"Farewell, My Dear John and the last one is Butterflies In The Sky." I continued. He just stared at me.

"What?" I asked. "Butterflies In The Sky... That has my name in it.." Andrew teased. I laughed.

"What?! I couldn't think of any name!" I said. He laughed. Then we continued. I looked for his printer where his printer was placed and I found it. I placed my laptop beside it. Then the books that I read and published on his bookshelf. My CDs on his rack where all his CDs are placed.

"Where does Gerald eat?" I asked. "In the kitchen." He answered. I ran to the kitchen and put there Drago's bowl. I walked out of the kitchen and grabbed box #2 and 3. Andrew helped me with box #3. He opened his room for me and in his room has a lot of space. I saw a clear table besides from his iPad and a vase. I put there my speakers and my folders. Then I see a bathroom. Spacey too. I put my towel in the rack and I put my toothbrush on a glass and my shampoo on the shower.

I put my phone on the table where my speakers are I collapsed on his bed. I looked at the pictures he had.

"Journalist, photographer and a publicist." I said. Andrew just looks at me.

"Journalist, huh?" I teased. "Shut up." He said. I laughed. Then I look at the others. I saw his first drawing. I laughed. He asked, "what?"

"That's so cute! First drawing!" I laughed, he laughed too. "I'm terrible at drawing." He admits. I laughed even harder this time. Then I see Andrew in a Spiderman suit. He looked adorable!!

"Is that you?" I laughed. He sees the picture of himself in a Spiderman suit. He takes the picture away from me and hides it. I frown at him.

"You can't laugh at me for something!" Andrew defends. "Fine." I said. Then I fell down on his bed and sighed. Then I see this wonderful view in his balcony. Sweet autumn breeze filled my face. My bangs flew of my face and I put it back. Andrew laughed.

"I swear, you look pretty without the bangs, though." Andrew admits. I put my hand on the bar and said, "I don't think so,"

"Because you can't see yourself very well but me," he walks to me closer. "I can perfectly see your beautiful face." I could feel his breathing on my lips. Then he pushes his lips to mine. Cupping my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck then his hands on my waist. Then birds came out in the trees which distracted us.

"Must be the kids," Andrew said. I leave the balcony and I leave the room. I went straight to my laptop and I continued with my story.

Andrew's POV.

I see some kids, climbing the trees. Then I see Gordon. My favorite youngest neighborl.

"Hey Gordy," I smiled. "Hey, Andy," he teased. I laughed.

"Careful with my tree, I don't want any branches broken." I warned him. "How's Feline anyway?" I asked. Feline is Gordon's baby sister.

"Feline is fine. She's been eating lately now." Gordon answered. "Still having the sickness she have?" I asked.

"No, she's okay," Gordon answered. "Hey, Gordy, come on!" I heard his friends say. He climbs down my tree and jumps on the ground. I left the room. I went downstairs and I see Emma with her laptop. She's typing really fast though. I walk to her and see what story she's making.

"Hey," I said. "Hi,"

"What that?" I asked in a childish tone. "It's 'My Last Days Of My Life". I'm working on chapter 23 already. It's a 100 chapters, so, don't even question me." Emma replied. I smiled and kissed her cheek, I went straight to the kitchen and I grab a Mountain Dew and went straight to the TV room to watch my game.


Okay, took me long enough cause I have writers' block!!! I'm thinking of posting my OC story here!

I swear, if I post my Spiderman fanfic here, you're gonna hate it.

Night, morning!

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