Chapter 16-I met his parents

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Chapter 16-I met his parents

So, I passed out in the sofa because of running non-stop. Well, I didn't really pass out, I just collapsed in the sofa. My breathing is so heavy and my head is now resting on the arm rest. Gerald puts his head in my stomach does a puppy-dog eyes.

Is it playtime?

"Gerald, I'm tired. I don't wanna play with you yet, I'll play with you later!" I groan.

He barks instead. "I'm sorry, Gerald, I don't speak dog."

Gerald whines.

Forgiveness is what he wants...

I sigh, "okay, I forgive you." And then pet him. His tail is now wagging. Licking my face.

"Good boy," Andrew says. "Now, move," Andrew instructs Gerald. Gerald moves to the other sofa.

"I told him to do that," Andrew says. I smile.

"I'm so tired!!" I whine. Andrew laughs so I kick him. Andrew moans in pain.

I'm being serious here, I'm not joking.

"What was that for?!" Andrew groans.

"Well, for laughing. I'm being serious, Andrew." I sternly say. "Okay, okay... Didn't have to kick me there..."

Andrew turns on the TV. We watched Top 20 Funniest. Andrew laughs when someone got hit by the groin. Okay, I have to admit that was pretty funny.

"Waffle..." I blurted out randomly. When I said that, Andrew fell off the couch. I laughed so hard that I could almost hyperventilate.

"How and why?!" I ask while laughing.

"I don't know... I was laughing but then you blurted out waffle! So I fell off the couch because of laughter!" Andrew explained.

"You don't know but you just answered it." I said.

Andrew gets up on his knees and he was about to sit on the couch but then Drago stole it. I laughed. "Get out,"

I carry Drago onto my lap. "You don't say that to Little Baby..." I said with a pouty face.

"I do what I want, Little Girl." Andrew says. We stare at each other for a while then I pushed him off the couch.

"I already have enough of karma..." Andrew says. I laugh. He tried to get up, Drago escapes from my grip and lies on Andrew's head. "Great... Just great!" Andrew says sarcastically. I laugh and run. I run towards his bag where his camera is. I stole his camera and ran towards him.

"Emma, don't you dare! Don't you dare take that photo that is for my-" too late! "Work..." He finishes and ducks his head to the floor. Drago moves a little closer to his ear and starts licking it. Andrew started laughing.

"That tickles!" Andrew says with a little laugh. I laugh and Drago licks his ear even faster so Andrew started laughing. Drago stops and barks at his ear. Andrew automatically gets up and falls to the couch. And... The couch fell... I laughed and ran towards Andrew. I help him up and help him with the couch.

"What's wrong with your clumsiness?" I asked. "You're even clumsier than me."

Andrew smirks. "Gerald peed on that place where your foot is stepping on," I jump towards Andrew. My feet are now at his waist and my hands are at his neck. Andrew laughs. "Lol, just kidding!" Andrew laughs. I glare at him funnily. I jump back down to the ground because he's way taller than me. He's like 6 foot tall! And yet he is so skinny...

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