Chapter Ten

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My first day at the intership was amazing, I got everything I needed done and even after only a day there, Mr Queen had offered me a full time job as head of the IT department. I couldn't believe it, MIT really paid off. The only thing I dreaded about that night was going home and getting ready to see Oliver again. He had something to talk to me about and I was scared of what it could be. I knew he didn't do well with commitment and he was dating Laurel Lance. She was just perfect in every way possible. There was no way I could compete with that, I was nerdy four eyed Felicity.

Once I reached my apartment, I changed into something comfortable to lounge around in, I didn't even make an effort for Oliver. He had seen me naked so I wasn't worried about impressing him. There was only one thing a boy like that wanted and I had already given it to him. How stupid of me.

At 7 the door went. I opened and on the other side was Oliver Queen standing smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and stepped aside and he stepped in without a word. He looked hot and I knew it was stupid and foolish for me to be thinking but I was only human, I had needs to and so far, Oliver is the only one that fufilled those needs.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked him sitting on the couch grabbing my bottle of wine and two glasses. I poured myself one and Oliver one and handed it to me.

"Us. What we are because you and I both know there is more to it than just a one night stand. We wouldn't have carried on into the next morning if there was no meaning to it." He said and I nodded. He was right.

"I know but I've already told you. Nothing can happen Oliver. We're not going to be together, you're dating Laurel. She's sweet and beautiful." I told him gently. This was hurting me just as much as it was hurting him but I had no other choice. I couldn't be the one t split them up. They ha been through enough problems, I wasn't about to add to that.

"Things can change. I'll break up with Laurel. Felicity, I want you. I have ever since that night in the club." He admitted sheepishly and I smiled to myself. I couldn't help it. I loved hearing him talk about wanting me. It sent shivers down my legs and gave me goosebumps. "Look, I'm going on a buisness trip with my dad for the weekend. Think about it and when I get back, we can talk. But I do want you Felicity. I'll always want you. Please have an answer waiting for when I get back." He begged and I reluctantly agreed to think about it and have an answer ready.

"I'll have it ready but Oliver, I want you to change or the deal is off." I told him sternly and he nodded enthusiastically and leaned in to give me a small peck on the lips.

"I'll see you on Monday." He told me before leaving my house. I sighed, I was in deep trouble. Of course I wanted to be with Oliver and create a relationship but Laurel was the one thing holding me back from doing it. It was that moment when I knew, I loved Oliver Queen. Only, I never got to tell him. I never gave him his answer. Because he never returned.

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