Chapter Four

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His hand stayed on my hip. I didn't expect him to still be there in the morning so I had to have as much of him now as possible. I had always had a crush on Oliver Queen but never thought I'd have a chance. That's why I gave him a hard time when he spoke to me earlier at the club.

"Good night Oliver." I mumbled turning away slightly but still so thy he could hold my hip.

"Good night Felicity." He replied and I turned back to him in shock. How did he knows my name? I never told him my name.

"How di-" he cut me off squeezing my hip.

"I've been watching you for a few weeks now." He told me. " I know you were at MIT then but I had my ways. You intrigue me Miss Smoak." He said and I turned back over and smiled to myself.

I sighed to myself and snuggled down into the hotel bed with Oliver's hand still on my hip. I fell into a not so good sleep, I was distracted by everything. His touch, his lips, his smell, his everything. I was in and out of sleep that night and he was still next to me asleep. His breath was on my neck which made me smile every time.

By the time morning rolled around, I was so tired but I knew that while I was with him I wouldn't be getting any sleep. He squeezed my hip lightly and I turned to him. "Morning." He said groggily. His hoarse morning voice was so hot. I could get used to hearing that every morning, waking up next to him every morning in our double bed we shared.

"Morning." I mumbled at him.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked me and I shrugged. I was still naked under the covers and so was he but I needed to take a shower after last night. I was all sweaty and sticky, I couldn't leave like this.

"Not well." I told him.

"Why?" He asked moving a piece of hair out of my face. I smiled at the gestured.

"I don't know. I guess I was distracted." I told him a small taint of red on my cheeks.

"Distracted by what?" He asked me with a smirk. I rolled to face away from him and for the first time since we went to sleep, he let go of my hip. "Me?" He asked and I didn't give him a reply, he took that as a yes and pulled me closer to him turning me to look at him once more. "Why were you distracted by me?"

"You're Oliver Queen. You have millions of women lining up to try and get with you. Why did you choose me at the bar last night?" I asked him. I was really confused, I didn't know why he would choose me instead of one of the millions of girls that are also billionaires.

"Because like I said last night, you intrigue me. I want to get to know you more. I don't know how I feel about you but I know that I feel something." He told me.

"Why?" I asked. I still didn't understand the entire reason. I got out of the bed with the covers wrapped around my naked body.

"Because you're amazing and I wish you wouldn't put yourself down when someone compliments you." He told me and I smiled at him heading towards the bathroom.

"But..." He cut me off.

"Just take the damn compliment Felicity." He told me and I smiled at him from the bathroom door.

"Okay." I told him. "I'm gonna have a quick shower before we need to be out of here." I told him and shut the bathroom door behind me. I turned on the water faucet and let the covers drop from my naked body. I stepped into the shower and sighed as the hot water fell over my body.

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