Chapter 1-Men of the Club

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"If you see a man, shoot him, Fergus, because I am not in the mood today," Aurora snapped to the bartender as she slid into her usual stool. The club music was loud but she knew her best friend had heard her.

Fergus rested his elbows on the counter and mocked her with a pouty face. "Whatever has daddy dearest done this time? Refused to give you your allowance? Canceled your limo? Taken away your nanny?" He faked a loud and dramatic gasp. "Revoked your private jet?"

Aurora slapped her gun on the table as a warning for him to stop while he still had his tongue. She looked up at him with dead eyes. "He proposed to Miranda." She shuddered. The name was bile on her tongue.

Fergus looked at her long and hard. Then, when Aurora had finally realized the reason for his suspicious pause, he swiped her gun out of her reach and let out an ear-splitting laugh. Aurora growled angrily and sat up to take a swipe at him with her nails but he just danced out of her way and kept on laughing.

"This isn't funny Fergus! That woman is out to ruin me," Aurora mourned.

He took a couple calming breaths and wiped a stray tear from his eye. He then looked at her with an amused expression. "Is this the same Miranda that insisted on paying for that Vera Wang dress your dad wouldn't get you, and also got you a puppy even though your dad is allergic?"

"Oh, you've fallen for her just like everybody else," she scowled. She buried her face in her hands. "Trust me she seems like Mother Teresa on the outside but on the inside she is a manipulative bitch who wants the money all to herself and her stupid bald prissy cat!"

Fergus snorted and reluctantly slid her back her gun. "Alright doll, well, while I don't see why it's worth losing your pretty little head over, I am still your friend. What drink do you want? It's on me."

She snatched back her gun and gave him a sour look. "I don't want your pitiful alcohol."

"But yet you came here seeking me for sympathy," he pointed out. He turned around and began making her a New York Sour, just because he knew she would drink it wether it was out of pity or not. She was in that mood, and he knew that because, thankfully, he was one of her best friends. One of her only true friends, for that matter.

Aurora scowled at his truth. "I came for a little understanding on my part. When my father told me the news, I flipped out on him. But he kicked me out and told me not to come back until I learned to stick my opinion up my ass and be happy for him."

"Daddy's little princess out in the world until she learns to rein in her fat ego? Oh where is the popcorn and vodka?" Fergus teased as he slid her the drink and a bowl of olives to top it off.

Aurora mockingly laughed. She fingered the handle of the drink, deciding wether it was worth entertaining her best friend and accepting his gift. "You make it out like I'm some kind of helpless virgin, Fergus." She looked away, down at her hands, and twirled her gun around, admiring its polish in the club lights.

"Hey bartender!" A drunken man suddenly slurred.

Fergus looked at Aurora apologetically. "I have to handle that. Try not to cry into that drink until I'm back? At least then I can slip you some sugar to dull the salt in your day."

Aurora giggled. "Go ahead."

Fergus winked at her before walking around the wall of booze to attend to that man's every wasted need.

The Mafia's Desire Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora