Chapter 4-Throwing Money

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Back at her house, Aurora stared at the invitation for a long time. Five minutes passed, then ten, then thirty. She knew wasting time wasn't the best idea but she couldn't wrap her head around the words that she had not realized were there, until now.

Dear Miss Aurora,

You have been invited to the Annual Georgin Hospital Charity Event. This year's theme is Rose Red Dates. To collect money, we are auctioning off eligible bachelors and bachelorettes' dates to single clientele for a good cause! This event will take place March 16. Please be there an hour early for preparations and thank you again for you willingness to be part of our team of bachelorettes helping to raise money for our Hospital.

-Tristan Stero, Event Manager

Guess which part she hadn't read? Yeah, the last sentence.

"Shane!" Aurora yelled at last. The door creaked open and he entered. Infuriated, she flung the invitation at him, which he caught with ease. "Read that. And I mean really read it."

She tapped her foot as she waited for him to process the words. He was smart, only slightly less smart than her, but he seemed to be better at dissecting sentences. He looked up at her and smiled innocently. "We have known for a while that you were invited to this banquet, Miss. It's where your target is. What seems to the problem?"

"Don't pull that shit on me. You know exactly the problem," she growled. "I am not going to prance around half naked and then watch as men throw away their money for a date I definitely won't show up for."

"If you don't do that, people will talk," he reminded her. "Besides, if anything your victim could end up buying someone as his date, then you can eliminate him, and the blame will be placed on her rather than you. And you will have an alibi."

She curled her lip up. She thought about it for a minute and knew deep down the man was absolutely right. Never would she admit it though. Aurora shook her head and went back to her mirror, continuing to adjust her accessories in silence. She slipped into her heels and looked into the mirror. Adequate.

"I will say," Shane spoke softly as Aurora grabbed her gun and tucked into her thigh holster.

She whirled around and narrowed her eyes at him. "Say what?"

"The clientele of this hospital isn't all old men or middle aged women."

"Hmm. Who else will be there?"

He stayed quiet.



"Shane, you do not start a thought around me and not finish it. That is my thing. Who is the other half of this hospital's stupid clientele?"

The edge of his lip quirked upwards. Slowly, he replied, "The Mafia of Italy."




"Unfreakingbelievable," Aurora growled as she walked into the charity event's building. "I'm supposed to be out there scouting my target. Instead, I'm in here dressing up like meat and being thrown out to the dogs. This is humiliating!"

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