Amusement park

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Silence continued for a few minutes until Sehar felt awkward and finally said," may I get a glass of water"

"of course hmm!! wait a minute I will just get it", the stranger replied. He searched in his bag for a while and then realized that he was not carrying a water bottle. " actually...." The stranger continued

" it's alright I will get one" Sehar said

" I think you shouldn't be leaving now , as it is 2 am and its not safe either", the stranger replied with a very cautious tone.

" but I am thirsty , I have been telling you the story since 2 hours and now my throat is drying", she said frowning.

" fine I will get you one . You don't need to leave " the stranger replied while getting up from his seat and soon went out. Sehar waited for a while and when she saw no one returning she got up from her seat and went towards the exit of the carriage of the train. She saw that there was pin drop silence in the carriage and there was no movement. She realized that they were the only two talking in the train. She checked her watch which was showing 2:00 am . She checked the entire carriage but was unable to find the stranger. As soon as she thought that the stranger might have left the train, she saw him coming from the other side with a bisleri bottle in his hand.

" I told you not to... Why the hell are you so stubborn like always" the stranger was angry.

Sehar looked at him suspiciously but she was more interested in the bottle in his hand, " aah water can do what nothing else can"

" I asked you something , I told you not to".

Sehar snapped," you aren't my boss or something and nobody to order me alright and I don't even know you and if that is it then I will rather prefer scrolling down my facebook feed  than talking to you or telling you my story", Sehar replied with anger and was expecting a same sought of reply but the stranger said.

" I am sorry I didn't mean that would you please , please , please continue . Its important for me to know"

Sehar looked at him with surprise, anger and suspicion but she knew that she too needed someone to share her pain, story and heartbreak so she preferred not to argue and rather continue.

It was during the month of December when the school announced that it would be taking the students from secondary to an amusement park. Sehar was super excited as she knew that someone special is going to accompany her. After a few days of the announcement Shanaya came to her and said," Sehar do you know that  Abhimanyu is not coming. He is severely injured and that's why won't be coming".

Maahi came into the class  after a while and said," Sehar did you know Abhiman...."

" yaa I know he is not coming" Sehar replied with a depressed tone

"no idiot he is coming, Shanaya was just trying to irritate you"

Sehar was relaxed and happy. The next day everyone assembled in the school premises by 7 and left at around 7:30pm . The bus journey was extremely enjoyable. As soon as they got down from the bus they saw various other schools with them . They felt a bit uncomfortable but thought not to think about them. They went in and were supposed to keep their bags in a particular area. As soon as Sehar kept her bag she saw Abhimanyu approaching towards her and he kept his bag exactly beside hers. Rachelle immediately said, " I think you should keep your bag somewhere else isn't it". Sehar looked at her with her killer looks and she kept enjoying the moment.

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