The vice captain ....

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Everybody started preparing their speeches for the elections. Once again the students who never spoke to each other started begging for votes. Sehar was advised by Sam , not to be in the council as there is no peculiar work rather than just staying back after school for principal's over encouraging speeches. Sehar had actually thought of not contesting but then thought of trying something 'new' apart from just studies and her regular dance classes.

So finally she contested and luckily even won the elections and she was finally the CAMERON HOUSE VICE CAPTAIN. Everyone started congratulating her, she was quite happy as she was now very famous. After the school got over they were assigned their duties and she stood right in front of the main gate. They were suppose to send the children out of the school with proper care. Sehar stood their firmly. After everyone left she took her bag and came out when suddenly someone patted her back and said , " hey Sehar congratulations, I knew you would win as I had voted for you. Duties aah!!! I waited for so long to talk to you . Well this year may be we will win the grand trophy as the captains might be proven to be really hardworking. Congratulations once again captain." Abhimanyu said with a huge smile on his face unknown to the fact that his smile made Sehar feel the happiest person on earth. Sehar went home kept her bag aside , went to her room and started thinking about the incident. 'Abhimanyu congratulated me', 'this is the best thing ever happened', 'does he like me', 'he didn't congratulate anyone as far as I know', 'he definitely likes me'. Sehar kept on smiling for the entire evening and then started writing the incident in her diary.

" just by that simple congratulations you were so happy" asked the stranger

"that might be simple for you but not for me " Sehar said with a bit of shyness.

" continue further, captain", the stranger replied

Sehar gave him a look for which she was very famous and then continued further.

After few days later the investiture ceremony was conducted and Sehar was extremely excited about it. On the day of  the investiture ceremony, the head girl had decided that they should conduct a party. After coming back from the ceremony Sehar got ready and reached the location which was pizza hut. Everybody settled and had their pizzas when she saw Abhimnayu arriving with some of his friends. She was very happy and felt like butterflies in her stomach. After a while everyone took pictures and started leaving for their homes. Sehar called her mom and she replied ," Soha you have to wait a bit I will be there in 15 mins". Sehar was very angry as she was tired after the function. While she was waiting outside she saw Abhimnayu coming towards her and he stood beside her, " your mom hasn't come yet ? ", " no not yet".

" My friend took my scooty away to drop his girlfriend, so I  have to wait"

"Ohkay " Sehar replied normally but she was actually thanking her mom to be late for the first time ever.

"So how is captaincy going on , do you think we will be able to win" Abhimanyu asked

" I think I believe that we can , what do you think" she asked

" I don't know but I have faith in you. If once you have decided that you are gonna win than we shall surely pick up the grand trophy captain " Abhimanyu replied while looking into her eyes.

As soon as he had completed his lines her mother arrived and she had to leave.

" was Abhimnayu really waiting for his scooty?, may be he was waiting for you " the stranger asked with a question mark on his face.

" I don't have an answer to that but actually I didn't see him coming on a scooty either ". Sehar replied.


The Part Of Me Left Behind {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora