It's Clear - It's Over

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Sehar started packing her stuffs. It was her last day in India. She was flying to Budapest for her next Business setup. She sat down on her couch and sighed. She looked outside the window. The scenery was extremely beautiful. She felt relaxed. She looked at the sky and saw the clouds moving with slower pace, so was her life. Slowly and gradually she was moving, her life was moving. But, there was something which was holding her back . And that was her questions. She wanted her answers from so long. And now.... When she finally found them, she was stuck again.

Sehar was a strong woman and now she had finally made up her mind. Her success , entity and her life depends upon her business. She is a businesswoman now and she has to fulfill her dreams and her goals.

Love is now not on her list. Life is....

After finishing her packing, she went out to see the other arrangements.
Everything was perfect. As soon as she came down, someone held her hand and pulled her into the room. "What the fuck!!!"

"Sshhhh.., it's me.. Abhimanyu, please be silent and let me speak,..." he held her shoulders and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were deep...

"What the hell.... Just let me go.. Get off me.." she tried pushing him away but failed. "What do you want? Abhi?"

"You know what I want" he said. He looked into her eyes which had pain in it and guilt too. She pushed him away and said, "I don't know",she shouted. She turned back at him and said " And you know what... I don't even wanna know.. You!! Just.. Just go away from me.. Pls.. I beg you pls."

She turned back at him and looked into his eyes and said, "time is cruel... The time gone never comes back.. Never.. Never.. Priyanka loves you and would always do... Don't make this complicated pls... Don't.."

He looked at her remembering all those moments that he had kept safe in his heart. The girl who was strong, who wanted to conquer, the girl who felt free after the train journey, who looked weak and strong at the same time and above all he looked at the girl who loved him. Loved him to an extent that she herself couldn't get her back. But, now when she is getting what she wants, what she had wished for, what she had always dreamt of ... The love of her life stood in front of her with open arms.. What is it which was making her stop? Why was she resisting herself? Why was she restricting herself from the happiness that she deserved.?.. Abhimanyu kept thinking while Sehar unlocked the door and came outside the room.

Sehar breathed heavily. She pinched herself to confirm that what just happened was true. After a few seconds she saw Abhimanyu coming out of the room and he looked at her. She felt intimidated and turned back. Sehar sighed and said, "Priyanka loves you. She deserves to be happy. I can't and will not ruin her dreams of her marriage with you. This is the last time I am speaking to you cause Tomorrow morning I am leaving. Good bye Mr. Abhimanyu Singh Rawat. It was a pleasure meeting you again. Thanks for telling me the truth about why you did what you did. But Time and tide waits for none. It's been ten years and of course ten years is a long time. I will remember you as a good memory.... I promise.. Stay happy ". Tears filled their eyes. It was difficult for her as well as for him. She left.

Sia's Room

" No... Please I want a simple makeup.. Pls I don't wanna look overdone.. Please " Sia kept arguing." Sia I feel like slapping you right now.. Come on.. Its your day.. You have to look the prettiest amongst all.. Hey listen use the darker shade and highlight it ", Rachelle commanded

Maahi and Shanaya were busy with the selection of their jewellery. "This one is a bit too much.. I think pearls would match" Shanaya looked confused. "Shanu I guess you should go with heavy earrings cause you gotta high neck top piece" Maahi suggested.

The girls were busy with their arrangements while Sehar was lost somewhere. "are you ready with your lehenga?" Rachelle asked. "ummm.. Yeah.. Just.. I mean yeah I am.. Are you guys decided" Sehar replied. "Sehar.. You took your medicines? Is everything alright?. Is there some problem?" Rachelle was worried.

Sehar smiled and replied "ohh God.. I am fine... It's Sia and Rehan's wedding today.. So I am a bit nervous.. Everything should be fine and smooth today"

The girls started getting ready. Priyanka was excited too. There were two reasons
1)She was going to make a very important announcement today and
2)Her fear of losing Abhimanyu was finally gone

Abhimanyu and Priyanka could never get separated. They were together - together forever

Abhimanyu on the other hand didn't know what was happening to him. Everything seemed to be like a roller coaster ride and he was standing at the last top. One step could make him end it but he was pulled back and tat forced to be on the roller coaster throughout the rest of his life. His heart was with her... He was sure he loved her but yes it was complicated but was it really over?


Will Abhimanyu tell the truth to Priyanka?

What is Priyanka gonna announce?.

Will Sehar change her decision?

Is it really over?

To know.. Keep reading

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