Will She Change Her Decision??

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Sehar was relieved. Abhimanyu went but his words, his expressions, his intensity and eyes made her disturbed. She could not prevent herself from thinking about him and she was back to being an insomniac. "no sleep??" asked Sia.. Who continued smiling while staring at her messages sent from Rehan.

"no.. By the way, why did you invite Abhimanyu and Rohan?? "

Sia immediately kept her phone aside and her smile faded." actually.. I mean they are Rehan's friends so ".

" trying to fool the the manager of the factory who is an expert in generating fools??.. Seriously Sia??.. Well is Mihir too invited?? ".

Sia's lips were tightened and she could utter a single word." oh great!! So he too is invited. So basically only I am the one who is an outsider and not a friend or let's say a member of your group right?? This is ridiculous "

Sehar sat down with her laptop and immediately booked her flight for Delhi for the next day. Her anger was on top of her head.

" knock. Knock. "

" who is it?? "

" Sia... Sehar.. Someone is out on the gate waiting for you guys "

Sia looked at Sehar who was least bothered to go but Sia dragged her out of their room. To their surprise they saw nothing at the Gate." shh shh"

"shh shh.. Hey Sia it's me Rehan "the voice was so low that even Rehan might have not heard it." Sia.. Sia.. "

" what the actual fuck!!! Are you nuts Rehan... What the hell are you doing here?? It's not allowed.. We cannot meet before our marriage like this . leave my hand come on just let me go ". The cute romance was soon interrupted by Sehar," oops... Bad timing.. I shouldn't have."

"come on Sehar.. You have been a part of our romance from the very beginning as our body guard " Rehan chuckled.

" Rehan actually Sehar is leaving tomorrow and she won't be attending any of our wedding functions further"

"what.. Are you serious.. Just stop joking Alright " their serious faces made Rehan uncomfortable and he immediately looked at Sehar," you cannot do this to us... We trusted you so much and thought and fought to just bring you here.. So that you would be back in your usual form"

Sehar looked at him and said, "bring back to my usual self??? Seriously guys... You people broke my tr.." her words were not even completed when someone from behind said, "they didn't.. I did.."

It was Abhimanyu. "you!!! What the hell are you doing here,??" Sehar burst out of anger. He walked slowly and calmly. He looked at Sia and Rehan and smiled at them. Sehar stood there with her hands folded. "you are hurt?? Betrayed?? Someone broke your trust??... But these guys didn't... I did it right...???" he asked in gentle manner but Sehar ignored is Gentleness.
"no!!! I wanna go because I don't wanna stay here and nobody in this world can make me do anything against my will.... Do you get that straight in your head."

Abhimanyu kept smiling which made Sehar angrier. "why the hell are you smiling?" she asked with a cunning smile.

"Because still after ten years, I am 'the most' important man in your life. I know you are leaving because I am here. But if you have forgotten everything and it does not matter to you anymore then what is the problem. Why are you uncomfortable in staying here? Why are you not attending their wedding?? I know because I am here... And I know that I still affect you isn't it?? It's okay you can lea...."

"shut up!! You don't affect me anymore. You are nobody to me. I will stay here and attend their wedding and show you that I have moved on. Do you get that Mr. Abhimanyu Rawat!! " Sehar was boiling with anger while she spoke.

" okay then let's see... " Abhimanyu smirked

" surely... we may... "she answered confidently.

They both left in opposite direction and the scene felt like a bollywood movie scene but this time, both of them didn't turn at different time intervals rather walked ahead without turning back.

" will we get married?? "Sia asked with a sad tone

" I doubt!!! " Rehan answered in a funny way." of course my to be wife... We will and our mission will surely be successful "

Sehar's room

"what does he think of himself... I will prove him that he does not fucking affect me... Like seriously he would affect me.. Huh!! Never.. Not even in my dreams!!!" Sehar spoke to herself while Shanaya and Rachelle stood there listening to her.

"your hands were shaking when you entered Kharghar... Your eyes widened when you looked behind the area of our school...You turned back when we were leaving Kharghar.... " Shanaya was speaking in a very normal but sarcastic tone.

" and you still think that he does not affect you... If so, then you are a fool darling. He affects you and accept the bloody fact!!, " Rachelle's voice went higher.

" you are right!! But I am sure and very sure about this time.. And I will do what I have said. 'Abhimanyu rawat will never ever affect me' anymore "

Did that really happen??
Will she forget him??
Will there relations become worse?
Will there be a connection again?
Or this is the final end that

'Sehar Singhania has moved on and her story with Abhimanyu comes to an end '

Comments please about your thoughts!!

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