Is the Stranger a Danger??

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It was a beautiful morning. A beautiful morning to start the day with. It was warm with a  pinch of chilled weather. Sehar woke up. I mean she got up from her bed. She started stuffing her clothes inside her suitcase and looked outside the hotel room window. She wanted to sew him, meet him, feel him one last time. But she knew that this was not possible. Their past overpowers their present.

Everybody packed their bags and got ready . Sehar was disturbed by the phone call but she didn't want to ruin other peoples mood so she kept silent. While they were leaving from Kharghar , Sehar couldn't resist herself from looking at the building behind the school. Though the thoughts of the last meeting haunted her , she still looked and as the car passed she felt like something or someone was moving away from her. He was moving away from her. She was moving away from him. They were not destined to meet. They were meant to stay apart. Their unison meant the separation of a lot of relationships. Sehar closed her eyes and prayed that she should never meet him again. Never.

They boarded the train to Udaipur and everyone made themselves comfortable, while Sehar was still uncomfortable by the call. Maahi and Sehar knew each other since they were studying in grade 3, so she could see what Sehar was trying to hide. She asked "what is the matter Sehar ?" , "nothing i am fine", she said. "Are you thinking about him", " absolutely not, why would I, he was just a chapter of my life which is closed now" said Sehar. Maahi immediately replied "oh is it that , then why have you still not thrown your diary? why did you looked at the building behind the school as soon as you stepped down? Agree it or not he was not a chapter but A PART OF YOU WHICH YOU LEFT BEHIND or could never leave behind to be precise". "I don't know and i don't wanna talk about that",Sehar pleaded. Maahi left the berth.

At around nine everybody had their dinner and were about to sleep. Sehar was working on her laptop. She had to mail the specifications of her new project to the board of directors. She worked for two hours at a stretch and then decided to read the novel she was carrying. She was on the 12th chapter  when a man at  Nagpur boarded the Train. He was a good looking and charming man. Tall, bold voice, nice hair, good physique but there was nobody to notice all this as everybody in the train had almost switched off their lights. The man was  requesting the TT for a seat but all the seats were full.
Sehar heard two people talking. She was disturbed and thought of intervening as it was disturbing her and other people as well.
She went towards the area where they were talking and asked ,"what's the matter?". The TT explained her the situation. She looked at the man and he looked decent. He was carrying a backpack and  had worn a Gray t shirt and blue jeans with a black hoodie. He looked at her and she looked into his eyes. His eyes were dark brown. She knew these eyes. She had seen them before. It was dark and so she was unable to see his face clearly and also cause she was not wearing her glasses.As soon as Sehar tried asking the man something, the man said, "I am really sorry ma'am if I had disturbed you. I have an important meeting in Udaipur and I missed my flight. I had no other option. Seems like I have to spend my night here. Sorry for the inconvenience". Sehar felt a strange connection towards the Stranger and out of nowhere said, "its alright you can use my berth as i am always awake so..... if you wish to" . The TT was surprised and  asked ," are you sure madam". The man looked  very decent  so she thought that there will be nothing wrong in helping this man. " No its okay i have no issue",Sehar replied . "Thank you so much young lady", the man said. " You can call me Sehar".

Sehar led the way towards her berth and made Sia sleep on her lap.

" Are you sure you are not gonna sleep, its already  12am ",

"No actually i am kind of insomniac , so....."

"Ohh that's sad , by birth?"

" of course not , who is insomniac by birth" she smiled. May be she smiled after a long time.

" Yaa so is there a specific reason?"

" yaa a big one may be I will take the entire night to explain that "

" I will love to hear"

" if you get bored then?"

" No i promise i will not , i am actually very interested and keen to know about it as i come across insomniac very frequently and i love listening to their stories."


The Part Of Me Left Behind {COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt