Chapter XXXII

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Lua's Pov-

I gritted my teeth together as I continued the spell. My eyes glowed brightly as I glanced at Camlock, wheezes leaving her every time she breathed.

"Keep your eyes open, Cam. We're almost there." I told the wolf as sweat rolled off my face and dripped onto the floor. Camlock looked at me, her dulling eyes sent a shiver up my spine.

'Lua! What are you doing?!' Jaylik's voice roared into my head as she slammed Chalion through her throne, breaking it in half.

"I'm fixing my mistake." I answered as I continued the spell. Camlock's eyes widened, before a soft yip left her snout. I looked at her in confusion, only for my eyes to widen as a hand grabbed my cloak and yanked me back, breaking the spell.

"Ally! What are you doing?" I growled as I lifted myself from the ground, and threw my hand towards Alex's still body, continuing the spell as I stared at my oldest friend.

"We swore our lives to Gaea's cause! You don't get to switch sides this late!" Ally snarled as her pupils turned into two angry slits, as her fangs grew. Her claws went through my cloak and into my skin as she shoved me into the wall.

"Ally, Look at what she's done! She killed her daughter! Do you really want to stick with someone that heartless?!" I countered. I gulped down the wince that threatened to leave my mouth as Ally unknowingly sunk her nails further into my shoulders, now touching the bones.

"I promised to stick by her, I never break my promises. You know that better than anyone." My unused hand landed on Ally's shoulder, and remorse filled me as Ally let out a pained roar and collapsed at the electricity that left me and flowed through her body.

"I'm sorry Ally, But I can't stick with this path anymore." I moved around the unconscious jaguar and back towards Camlock and Alex.

"Camlock get ready, the spell is nearly complete."

Nine's Pov-

"How much farther?" Alex asked as she walked past me, as I held the thick foliage from hitting the young Lycan.

"Another mile." I answered while joining Alex's side once more.

"Say, how long have you been here?" My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at my fellow traveler.

"Why do you wish to know?"

" 'Cause silence freaks me out."

"378 years." Alex froze midstep and quickly whipped her head towards me.

"What the fuck? You've been here for over 300 years?!" My wing bristled slightly as Alex's hands landed on my shoulders, her grey eyes held pure shock.

"Yes." I carefully removed the younger's hands from my shoulders and continued to walk. Alex rushed to fall in step, and began to walk backwards.

"And you've been alone all this time?" Alex's voice was soft, quiet. It held Pity. I hate pity.

"I do not need Pity, pup. I enjoy being alone. " My words held coldness. Alex nodded slightly as she turned back to walking normally.

"Sorry I asked." I sighed as I wrapped my wing around Alex, stopping the Lycan from moving any futher.

"I apologize for my bluntness. I wasn't exactly social when I was alive." Alex grinned at me as she rubbed the back of her head.

"It's fine, Nine." Alex dismissed, her hand moved through my feathers as she removed herself from my little cocoon. I stopped the shiver that tried to crawl up my spine.

"You know.. You remind me alot of a character from a game I love to play."


"Xemnas from Kingdom Hearts! You're  like the exact female replica! Except you're missing his orange eyes." My brow arched at who the Lycan compared me too.

"Did you just compare my looks to a man?"


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