Chapter X

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Professor Q's POV-

I watched as my Creator paced back and forth. I wonder why he's so obsessed with finding his Daughter, it's not like he cared when Alex was young so why now?

"Quinnzel get back to work." My creator demanded

"Sir if ya don't mind me asking?"

"What is it you wish to ask?"

"Not to be insensitive but why do you care for Alex all of a sudden?"

My creator sighed as he sat on a stool by my research table and put his head in his hands.

"Quinnzel it amazes me that you can understand emotions and have your own as well."He avoided my question as he chuckled lightly.

"That's how you created me, to have emotions and feel them as well." I responded back, if he didn't wish to answer my question, than he wouldn't need to.

"I will be getting back to my work now sir."

"No you won't, your done for the day. Go and see your wife."He replied as he walked out of my working room. I thanked him while he was still in ear-shot and all but ran towards the room my wife feels the most comfortable in.

I opened the double doors that lead in to the library and saw my lover with her back turned to me as she looked for another book to read.

I wrapped my arms around her and chuckled lightly as she jumped in suprise.

"Q you goofball." Gwenneth spoke as she lightly slapped my arm. I nipped at her neck and smirked when I heard her gasp.

"What are you doing her so early?" My lover asked, as she turned in my arms and tangled her hands in my soft golden blonde curls.

"My creator let me, and before you ask I have no idea why he did." I spoke what she thought in her mind.

Gwenneth bit where my shoulder and neck met making me yelp. I released my wife from my grasp as I rubbed where she bit me.

"That's for going into my mind without permission. " I growled lightly as I picked her up and started walking to our bedroom.


I laughed as I watched Deven get beat by Asher once more in arm wrestling. Deven huffed out a sigh and walked towards the kitchen,

"Bring me some pie!" I spoke from my spot at the stairs. Deven groaned and told me to 'get my lazy ass up'.I chuckled lightly, because I knew he would still get it for me.

Camilo and Ash got up from the floor and sat down next to me on the steps. All three of my best friends were trying to soothe me, because Skylar and her parents had to go to an Alpha meeting, and it took place all the way in Japan.

'We should have hid in her luggage!!!!!' Camlock wined, I heard Chalion and Kitsuni bark out a laugh until Camlock snarled at them.

'I'm not small enough Cam.'

'You're 5'2 your small!!!!!!.'

I flicked camlock's nose and she whined and laid down.


Deven finally came back with a whole pumpkin pie,whip cream,and a note?

"It's for you lex." He grunted out as he spreaded the cream all over the pie.

My eyebrows furrowed as I opened the note, I automatically smiled when I saw who wrote it.

' I hope you like the pie,
My Luna.

-Skylar. '

Camlock purred when she saw the word Luna. I put the note in my back pocket and dung into the pie with my three best friends.

Professor Q's POV-

I groaned as I lifted myself off my bed, I kissed my sleeping wife as I put on my timberlands. I grabbed my lab coat and exited out of the room, I sighed as I opened the door to my laboratory.

I walked towards the girl my creator had trapped in the little glass room. The blonde whimpered as she saw me coming near. I opened the door and grunted when she tackled me with a hug.

I lifted her up and placed her gently on top of my desk. I opened the fridge I moved in my lab and gave the blonde an already peeled orange.

As she devoured the orange I moved my lips to speak,

"Please start telling me about my creator's daughter, Leslie."

Leslie shivered as she finished the orange. She tilted her head towards my fridge.

"Food first."

I chuckled at the reply,

"I like your thinking."



I finally updated awwwwww yeah




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