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Will Collins •

"Will!" Mr McCall called me over after Gym and I walked over to him. I hope he didn't take too long, I had a free period which I was supposed to spend with Amelia and she hated to be kept waiting.

"What's up?" he gestured to the girl walking away. "I don't believe for a second that girl just had dumb luck" I watched her walk away and she turned just when my gaze was the most obvious but she didn't make a big deal out of it and kept going.

"So? Lots of people can sprint but that doesn't mean they are talented" I didn't think that merited my coaches attention especially by the new girl. "William are you questioning me?" And I nodded of course I was. He rolled his eyes "I want you to find out if she's trained and if her talent is real, that's all and if you can't do then just be friendly to her" My mouth began to slack. I did not do charity. "Just do it Will or Red can be the lead runner for the next few meets"

That was enough motivation.

I still didn't understand why he was making me do this I mean girls weren't allowed on the team. Or really any athletic team.

Nearly twenty minutes later I had gotten changed and Amelia had texted me saying she had some big debate thing she so we couldn't meet which gave me enough time to find this mystery talent my coach was so intent on me finding. Them main problem was I didn't know her name.

But I did know that that bitchy secretary that worked Headmaster Wellington would.

Walking into the office I could see her sitting at her desk typing at the desktop computers which Ginny always says 'holds more secrets than her'.  The secretary was Charlotte Archer who seemed to be the only person who Headmaster Wellington trusted. Despite few calling her Charlotte or Miss Archer to most she was the woman in black because she always wore black and most of her features were dark: long straggly dark hair and dark blue eyes but really seemed black. The only colour in her was the fact she had rosy cheeks but her skin was so pale she looked like a goddamn ghost.

She was freaky as she was rude.

"Charlotte?" She looked up and narrowed her eyes "What do you want Mr Collins?" She stoped typing and clasped her hands together "I need the schedule for someone...a new girl, she's in Mr McCalls PE class for third period?" I watched Charlotte roll her eyes and she typed for a few seconds and then she looked up at me again.

"Maggie Griffin...has a free period currently and she according to her student ID activity she is in the library" I thanked her and Charlotte just scoffed meaning our conversation was over.

Walking over to the library I hoped she was easy to spot because I honestly had no idea what she was like or why I was doing this. Walking inside I scanned the room and I could only see a few people in the library all of them I recognised except one.

That's obviously her.

I walked over to her and she mustn't have seen me or heard me because she jumped when I sat on the table. "Hello there" her shock suddenly morphed into almost boredom "can I help you Will Collins?"

"You know me? Does my reputation precede me?" I smirked and she rolled her eyes "no we've met already, at the diner? You made fun of how much sugar I put in my coffee" and then it hit me I had met her already, I thought she looked lonely.

"Well Maggie Griffin I just wanted to tell you welcome to Thomas College and that I was impressed by your display in gym before" well technically someone was impressed I was more skeptical. She shrugged and continued to read her book. "Well were you trained?"

"Yes in Oregon" she told me and now at least I knew it wasn't dumb luck. "Were you on a team before?" And she nodded "yeah the Tobias High School Jets" I had heard that name just I couldn't place where.

"Well that's too bad" I said and her eyes snapped up to meet mine and I noticed how light green they are which were off putting but also strangely pretty. "Didn't you know?" And she shook her head "know what?"

"Girls aren't allowed on our team or any sport team really"

I have never seen someone look so mad in the space of a few seconds. "Whys that?" She asked through gritted teeth and I shrugged.

"That's just the way it is"


Chapter five is finished and Run For your life has now over a hundred reads! If you haven't noticed I have changed a few last names (of the Headmaster and One of Will's best friends)

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L xx

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